ksbolduan@amherst.bitnet (02/03/90)
I'm writing this for a high school math teacher friend of mine. He just recently got an SE/30 and wants to use it to make worksheets, tests, and more importantly overhead projections. The point of getting a Mac was to really spice up the boring worksheets and in-class presentations with graphics and funky looking fonts. While the fonts are no problem--there are perhaps too many funky Imagewriter fonts around--most of the public domain clip art (and even some of the stuff for purchase) is not suited as diagrams and illustrations of common mathematical problems ranging from Algebra I to Calculus. (An example might be a ladder leaning up against a wall to illustrate related rates, complete with labels for delta-x and delta y.) And while it doesn't have to be specific to math, if you have clip art that could be used easily in story problems etc., that would be great too. Is there anyone out there who has any clip art that might be applicable? Basically, he's looking for "fun" graphics that would spice up a test and hold his students' interests with the overheads. The large type available on a Mac, he commented, has already made an appreciable difference, with the picture of Einstein engaging an otherwise quiet member of the class. If there are any other teachers/professors out there who either have such clip-art or know where to get some, please e-mail directly to me. He would be willing to send a disk, or if there aren't too many images, they could be sent directly to my e-mail address for forwarding. Thanks, and remember that this is for a Mac to be printed on an ImageWriter II. Kevin Bolduan Amherst College KSBOLDUAN@AMHERST