[comp.sys.mac] Gemini/TSI accelerators

jjw7384@ultb.isc.rit.edu (Jeff Wasilko) (02/05/90)

I'm looking for comments on TSI/Gemini accelerators, especially compared
to Radius boards. 

I see several advantages in going with the Gemini board rather than a
Radius board. I have heard that the Gemini boards come with an
additional power supply so as not to tax the already weak MacPlus power
supply. It also seems less expensive to add a second monitor to the
Gemini board, and the Gemini board includes an accelerated SCSI port.
Additionally, Gemini boards are available with an '030, so they can be
used with Virtual.

I'd appreciate any comments, as I will probably be purchasing one or two
by the end of the month.



| RIT VAX/VMS Systems: |     Jeff Wasilko     |     RIT Ultrix Systems:     |
|BITNET: jjw7384@ritvax+----------------------+INET:jjw7384@ultb.isc.rit.edu|
|UUCP: {psuvax1, mcvax}!ritvax.bitnet!JJW7384 +___UUCP:jjw7384@ultb.UUCP____+
|INTERNET: jjw7384@isc.rit.edu                |'claimer: No one cares.      |