[comp.sys.mac] WINGZ Won't Launch????

dnewman@ut-emx.UUCP (Dave Newman) (02/03/90)

I just bought Wingz 1.0 from the university micro center.
It won't launch.  Rather, it lanuches, and then immediately
quits without any error messages of any kind.  I'm just back
in the finder.  Ive tried it with multifinder and finder, and
both are identical.  I'm using a Mac SE with system 6.0.2. and
finder 6.1. (Or Multifinder 6.0.1)  I've tried it with all
my inits, and without any of them - no change.  

I'm rather pissed, not to mention the fact that the disk containing
the help files was bad.

Thanks for any assistance.


dnewman@ut-emx.UUCP (Dave Newman) (02/04/90)

In a recent article, I indicated that I had just bought Wingz, and that 
it would no launch.  Well, I noticed that the file modification date was
odd, and checked it against the original on the distribution floppy.
Somehow, in the process of copying the files to my hard disk, the app was
damaged or otherwise altered.  So, I recopied the file to the hard disk, 
and it worked fine.

So, that problem is solved, but I can't imagine what caused it since I
installed Wingz by dragging the disk onto my hard disk (letting the Mac
make a new folder).  Any ideas?

Thanks, and I'm sorry to take up bandwidth with a problem that I solved


consp22@bingsung.cc.binghamton.edu (Darren Handler) (02/05/90)

-> I just bought Wingz 1.0 from the university micro center.
-> It won't launch.  Rather, it lanuches, and then immediately quits.

This is a bug in 1.0 that has surfaced on the Plus and SE.  Contact Wingz for
the update.

|  Consp22@Bingsuns.pod.binghamton.edu  |  SUNY-B Computer Consultants -      |
|  Consp22@Bingvaxu.cc.binghamton.edu   |  Trying to keep the world safe from |
|---------------------------------------|  the SUNY-B Computer users.         |
|  System Consultant - World Computers  |-------------------------------------|
|  Computer Cons. - SUNY Binghamton     |     Darren `Mac Hack' Handler       |
I don't know if I am going to heaven or hell, I just hope God grades on a curve