(Peter M|ller) (02/13/90)
Hi out there! A few days ago I encountered a very wierd hard-disk crash on my own hard- disk (a CMS SD-62). It started about a week ago when I installed a copy of SmallTalk (Apple Computer, v0.4) on my disk (using System 6.02 with Finder and MultiFinder 6.04 - Sonic Finder must use US/Finder 6.04). I tried to use Stepping Out II v2.01, but shouldn't have tried that. The machine hung and then the problems began: I replaced the system-files (Finder, MultiFinder, DA Handler, Backgrounder and Finder Startup) from good disks (not original, but working) as well as Stepping Out II. It crashed again (when booted from disk with the same system it worked OK). I replaced the files again. It worked once, then it crashed. On thursday evening I was rewarded the infamous "Sad Mac" before the init-load sequence. I scanned the disk with "1st Aid HFS v2.2". It told me that all sectors were OK, but the file-directory was damaged and that the disk not was usable. Great!! So I worked until 03 am to recover all my documents - no problems at all. The day after I borrowed a tape-streamer (Apple's 40MB), recovered the whole disk (exept the system- files which I trashed before the recover-session), re-formatted it using the program included with the hard-disk, and replaced everything from the tapes. Good. So i got hold on a set of original disks (v6.04), and let the "Installer"-program install everything that belong to v6.04. Great. So I test the disk again: "1st Aid HFS v2.2" said the same thing, and Apple's disk-program (don't know the US-name) refused to even look at the disk: "not a HFS-disk"! So I checked the HFS-bit in the Finder-window: there it was! And there are no problems using the disk. Stepping Out refuses th work anymore, but I can live with that. Worse is that well-known disk-programs claim that the disk is not usable! (No, I have not used SmallTalk at home after that). Does anyone out there know the solution to this delicate situation, and why my disk behaves like that?? (I have a 4MB Mac Plus and the hardy, nothing more). Peter Moller Lund Institute of Technology - Sweden