[comp.sys.mac] Thanx

robin@ccb.ucsf.edu (Robin Colgrove) (06/29/89)

To all the net.folk who sent mail
responding to my urgent request for
mathematica memory info:
many thanx!
You were a great help.
It never ceases to amaze me 
what a tremendous resource of expertise
resides in netspace.
I only wish I had something to provide in return.
Well, if anybody's got any pressing questions
on viral molecular biology
just give me a call...
thanx again,

markf@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Mark Foster) (02/13/90)

Just a quick line to say thankyou to all those who replied to my request for
help on recovering Mac floppies.

To sum up... Most replies recomended SUM or Floppy Fixer and I will most
certainly be trying out both.

Thanx again.

---Don't take life so seriously.----------///---..You won't get out alive.---
Mark Foster, Computing Service  |  C=    ///   | markf @ syma.sussex.ac.uk
University of Sussex, Falmer    |    \\\///    | mef   @ cluster.sussex.ac.uk
England. BN1 9QH +44 273 607418 |     \X//     | ccfa3 @ cluster.sussex.ac.uk