(- Comp. Centre) (02/15/90)
I have been working on a modification to the Times LaserWriter font using the FOND & FONT resources, and have I believe correctly set up the 0 point font and the FONT resource IDs and used Font/DA Mover to create a new FOND resource. Everything looks okay on the screen in all the font point sizes I have modified and they all download and print okay on the LaserWriter except for one character which always prints the uppercase version (i.e the character on the screen prints as its uppercase equivalent. The character replaces the "["/"{" key and I am at a loss to understand why this is occurring. Has anyone out there in netland had any experience with a similar problem and if so can they mail me and let me know if and how they solved the problem. Thanxs for the use of the bandwidth. Phill Berrie, Macintosh Consultant, Computer Centre, ADFA (pwb@ccadfa).