[comp.sys.mac] solarian high scores

alms@cambridge.apple.com (Andrew L. M. Shalit) (02/20/90)

Does anyone know why Solarian won't record my high scores?  Do you
need to get past level 4 or something before it starts bothering to
keep track?



rdominy@palantir.gsfc.nasa.gov (Robert Dominy) (02/20/90)

In article <ALMS.90Feb19152359@brazil.cambridge.apple.com> 
alms@cambridge.apple.com (Andrew L. M. Shalit) writes:
> Does anyone know why Solarian won't record my high scores?  Do you
> need to get past level 4 or something before it starts bothering to
> keep track?

Are you using the number keys to initiate a game at a particular level?
If so, I don't think the scores are counted.  Just click the mouse button
to begin a game at level 1.

Robert Dominy
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

root@nmsu.EDU (02/21/90)

If you're playing the game by typing '1' to get to level 1, it won't
save high scores.  Also, if you switch off the machine without
quitting gracefully, it won't save high scores.  By just clicking the
mouse button you play, as opposed to practicing levels 1 through 9.

While we're on the subject, what's the current high score?  352,950
(level 10) is mine!  (if other high scores are sufficiently in the
stratosphere, I'll just crawl under a rock and die)

Vaughan Turner                               BITNET:    mcswvt@nmsuvm1.bitnet
Box 3AT Computer Center        preferred-->  INTERNET:  vturner@nmsu.edu
Las Cruces, NM 88001
[contrary to the "From:" line, I am vturner@nmsu.edu.  Our system
thinks everyone who posts to the net is root@nmsu.edu.  Please mail to

Talk about an identity crisis!

news@cs.yale.edu (Usenet News) (02/22/90)

In article <ROOT.90Feb20153647@dante.nmsu.EDU> root@nmsu.EDU writes:
>While we're on the subject, what's the current high score?  352,950
>(level 10) is mine!  (if other high scores are sufficiently in the
>stratosphere, I'll just crawl under a rock and die)

I've gotten 370,000 on level 11, but my current top is 378,780 on level 10.
I would've done better if I hadn't played so badly... only way I got it was
by getting about 3 6000-pt gifties...  I like the game a lot!

>Vaughan Turner                               BITNET:    mcswvt@nmsuvm1.bitnet
>Box 3AT Computer Center        preferred-->  INTERNET:  vturner@nmsu.edu

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jellinghaus-robert@CS.Yale.EDU |  bad decision being made out of sheer ignor-
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