[comp.sys.mac] Hard drive brackets...

jca@pnet01.cts.com (John C. Archambeau) (02/20/90)

Where does one obtain only hard drive brackets for a Mac (any and all
varieties)?  Is there one Mac third party distributor/dealer that tailors to
the do-it-yourself person who loves to buy raw hardware?
Reply in e-mail, I have been lagging in keeping up with Usenet conferences
since my accident last December.
     // JCA

 ** Flames  : /dev/null                     | My opinions are exactly that,
 ** ARPANET : crash!pnet01!jca@nosc.mil     | mine.  Bill Gates couldn't buy
 ** INTERNET: jca@pnet01.cts.com            | it, but he could rent it.  :)
 ** UUCP    : {nosc ucsd hplabs!hd-sdd}!crash!pnet01!jca

rht@smsdpg.uu.net (Randy Thompson) (02/24/90)

From article <1577@crash.cts.com>, by jca@pnet01.cts.com (John C. Archambeau):
> Where does one obtain only hard drive brackets for a Mac (any and all
> varieties)?  Is there one Mac third party distributor/dealer that tailors to
> the do-it-yourself person who loves to buy raw hardware?

The folks at On-Track provide drive mounting kits for the SE, SE/30,
and all flavors of the Mac II.

The kit comes complete with installation instructions, power and data 
cables as well as formatting and partitioning software.

Although I have heard that other folks prefer other formatting software
I opted to go with On-Track because of their track record with other
similar products in the MesSyDOS world. Their tech support is first
rate and their folks have been very helpful.

I have tested the software on Maxtor, Quantum, Seagate (& Imprimus), 
Hewlett Packard, Miniscribe and CDC drives and have had no problems 
with the current (v2.2) version.

Sorry, I dont know the street price.

The address and telephone number is:

	Ontrack Computer Systems, Inc.
	6200 Bury Drive
	Eden Prarie, MN 55346

	612/937-5815    ( for you out of country folks )
	612/937-5815    ( if you need to use a fax )

Note: I would have mailed except I thought this would be of general 
Randy Thompson            |           uunet!smsdpg!rht - Office
SMS Data Products Group   | uunet!smsdpg!tailchasr!rht - Mac@home
703/648-9400              |
         * Constructive criticism is always appreciated *
           Send Flames to:  Trash%tailchasr@smsdpg.UUCP

bh11+@andrew.cmu.edu (Braddock John Hathaway) (02/26/90)

Net and Randy:

I just had a pretty good experience with a company called "Software
(and hardware) that fits."  I bought a bracket for my Mac II for
a full height hard disk for $10 + shipping ... everybody else had
the same thing packaged in a kit (including cables and formatting
software) for which they wanted $90 or more.  I haven't yet received
the bracket in question, but they seemed to know exactly what I was
talking about, and were very helpful when answering my questions.

They regularly advertise in MacUser.

No connections other than a satisfied customer.
