(Chris Burton) (02/27/90)
I haven't been reading this regularly, but I've got a problem I hope someone else has already solved. It seems the SE/30 I work on has 2 meg and when I'm in multi-finder, the usable stack decreases slowly after each program I run. After the system and the jillion of now vital inits are loaded, I have just over 1.2 meg left, and a program I use often takes 1.2 meg and no less. Is there an already existing program (or hack) which 'flushes' the stack, to the fresh-from-bootup state? If not, does anyone have an idea or shortcut I could use to hack something like this up myself? I realize that this would not be a tool for the weak of heart, but I'm willing to take a chance. Boot-up seems to take years. E-mail preferred. Xephyr Xephyr Burton Never hip: 2 much conspiracy Disclaimer: I did not say it Texan by osmosis Nine Nines: I'm really Satan red dragon 9999-99999: Ill uminat us666