[comp.sys.mac] Comp.Sys.Mac re-org. 2/27/90 update

chuq@Apple.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) (02/28/90)

[note: this is cross-posted to c.s.m to give people who don't normally
follow news.groups a chance to see how the re-org is going and to solicit
feedback on the three outstanding surveys. Followups should be sent to
news.groups, and if you're interested in the discussion, please join us over
there -- I'm trying to avoid cross-posting as much as possible.

One quick clarification: I am *NOT* taking votes on these proposals yet.
Suggestions, feedback, criticisms and ideas, yes, but please don't send
votes. I'm not counting them until the formal call for votes is released in
March. What we're trying to do is figure out what the formal call for votes
will ask people to vote on. You can't, for instance, vote yes or no on
c.s.m.virus yet -- only suggest moderated or unmoderated. Once that decision
is made, you'll have your chance to vote on whether or not to create the
group. Same with c.s.m.hypercard -- a number of people have written to tell
me they feel that c.s.m.apps.hc is the wrong place for it. While I agree
with that belief, at this point I don't want to remove the proposal from the
ballot, but rather allow the readership at large to vote on it when the
voting starts. So please be aware that while I appreciate the feedback I get
from these earlybird votes, they aren't being counted towards the final

New issues: 

o I've extended the surveys to March 5 to give people more chance to vote.
  So far, the results are c.s.m.system, c.s.m.wanted and c.s.m.virus to be

o Do we need .apps as a hierarchy? Or is c.s.m.apps, c.s.m.comm, c.s.m.games

New Surveys:


Surveys under way:

(1) Please send me e-mail with your preferred name for what is currently
    comp.sys.mac.os. Rank the following by preference:

    If you feel that a name is not appropriate, rank it with 'NA'. If you
    have no preferences, don't rank the work. Here's how I'll count this:
    the name ranked 1 will get 5 points, 2nd three, third two and fourth 1.
    Names not mentioned (no preference) will get zero. Names marked 'NA'
    will get minus 2 (-2). Example: a person wants sysf or system, doesn't
    care about os and hates sysfold. His vote would be:

    (1) sysf
    (2) system
    (NA) sysfold

    I'll use the name with the largest point total at the end. One vote per
    person, and the survey will continue until March 1.

(2) Please send me e-mail on the appropriate name for c.s.m.wanted. Rank
    the following by preference:
    same rules as the c.s.m.os survey apply. 

(3) Whether c.s.m.virus should be moderated or unmoderated.

Survey status:

Final name of c.s.m.os. Point totals: c.s.m.os 21; c.s.m.sysf -3;
	c.s.m.sysfold 13; c.s.m.system 43. 
	[[survey ends March 5.]]

Final name of c.s.m.wanted. Point totals: c.s.m.wanted 25; c.s.m.help 5;
	c.s.m.request 19. (write-in for c.s.m.questions 5).
	[[survey ends March 5.]]

Whether comp.sys.mac.virus should be moderated or unmoderated. Results:
	moderated 4; unmoderated 7.
	[[survey ends March 5.]]

Whether or not to allow variation from the guidelines for the 'multiple
votes in a single proposal' for the reorganization: Yes, 169, no, 2. 
	[[proposal considered passed]]

Whether to use comp.sys.mac.apps or comp.sys.mac.appl: apps 20, appl 10.
	[[recommendation 'apps']]

new changes to text of proposal.


proposed text of call for votes proposal. (hint: you don't need to read this
unless you haven't seen it before or want to check on changes noted changes)

Please vote on each proposal separately. You may vote 'yes', 'no' or
'abstain/no preference' (or whatever terms you want for these as long as
they're non-ambiguous),

Proposal 1: rename comp.sys.mac to comp.sys.mac.misc. This will be in
multiple stages: the creation of comp.sys.mac.misc, followed a few
weeks later by the rmgroup of comp.sys.mac and the addition of a usenet
alias to the new group to forward misdirected messages. This will bring
c.s.m into the same standardized naming as other hierarchies, and it
should also discourage some of the cross-posting between c.s.m and
sub-groups that happens when people think they should put it in the
parent group just in case.

Proposal 2: Creation of comp.sys.mac.os. This will be for discussion of
Macintosh system software -- the system, finder, multifinder, CDEVs, INITs
and other Apple and third party Operating System software and its

Proposal 3: Creation of comp.sys.mac.apps.misc. This will be for
discussion of Macintosh applications. It is designed as the beginning of a
sub-hierarchy of groups, hence the creation of c.s.m.a.misc instead of

Proposal 4: renaming comp.sys.mac.hypercard to comp.sys.mac.apps.hypercard.
To standardize naming in the new scheme.

Proposal 5: creation of comp.sys.mac.wanted. A place for the "I'm missing
part five of..." or "I need a program that does..." or "Where can I get a
good price on..." messages. There was some discussion of creating a sister
group c.s.m.forsale, but for sale messages really should be encouraged to go
into a regional group and not a net-wide group.

Proposal 6: Creation of group comp.sys.mac.apps.games. A group for the 
discussion of macintosh-based computer games.

Proposal 7: Creation of group comp.sys.mac.apps.comm. A group for the
discussion of telecommunication and networking software and programs: Red
Ryder, Microphone, Appleshare, etc.

Proposal 8: Creation of group comp.sys.mac.virus. For discussion of
macintosh viruses, reports, prevention and etc.

Proposal 9: Creation of group comp.sys.mac.announce, to be created
moderated. Moderator to be appointed at some future time. Designed to be a
low-volume, high-content group for distribution of information, regular
postings (like the "where to find...", and "introduction to comp.sys.mac"
documents, postings like virus alerts and other forms of information
(product announcements? press releases?) to be determined.

No changes: comp.sys.mac.programmer, comp.sys.mac.digest, comp.sys.mac.hardware

Chuq Von Rospach   <+>   chuq@apple.com   <+>   [This is myself speaking]

I don't know what's scarier: President Reagan saying he had no inkling of 
his aides doing anything illegal, or an ex-president who uses the word inkling.

isle@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Ken Hancock) (02/28/90)

Judging from all the petty flaming that's been going on lately,
how about doing a survey for comp.sys.mac.flame?  ;-)


Ken Hancock '90            | DISCLAIMER: I'm graduating and looking for
Consultant                 |             a job, so I'll stand by my words.
Computer Resource Center   |==============================================
Dartmouth College          | EMAIL: isle@eleazar.dartmouth.edu