jahayes@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu (02/28/90)
Hello comp.sys.mac-land. Sorry if this is a) garbled, or b) repetitive, I just subscribed to this board and am having a bit of trouble with the host vax.... Question. I'm looking for a bibliographic database package that will be compatible with Word 4.0 and amenable to the vagaries of scientific journals' format preferences. I have lots of reprints, and titles of other papers frequently used in my manuscripts but for which I do not have reprints, and I'd like to get all of 'em onto a database now before the numbers get into five figures. I would appreciate suggestions from any and all, especially as regards the product "Endnote"--price is an object....thanks for your comments, and so far I love this place. (Lots of dos weenies around here....) Reply as per header or send to: jahayes@miamiu.bitnet or jahayes@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu Josh Hayes, Zoology Dept, Miami U, Oxford OH 45056
thom@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (Thom Gillespie) (02/28/90)
Procite is a very good bibliographic database manager, but it isn't cheap. It will also deal with 5 figure database sizes and it runs on Macs and Dos. There is also something called Nigel which is making the rounds of peacenet and a proposed standard for Interdoc for world bibliographic information. It is free to non-profits. Whats you 1040 form look like this year. You might qualify :-> --Thom Gillespie
Leo.Bores@f14.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Leo Bores) (03/02/90)
In an article of <27 Feb 90 23:47:08 GMT>, jahayes@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu
jA>Question. I'm looking for a bibliographic database package that will
jA>be compatible with Word 4.0 and amenable to the vagaries of scientific
jA>journals' format preferences. I have lots of reprints, and titles of
jA>other papers frequently used in my manuscripts but for which I do not
jA>have reprints, and I'd like to get all of 'em onto a database now
jA>the numbers get into five figures. I would appreciate suggestions from
jA>any and all, especially as regards the product "Endnote"--price is an
jA>object....thanks for your comments, and so far I love this place.
I use both EndNotes (Niles computing) and BookEnds Mac (Sensible Software) and
find the latter much easier to use albiet slow. The big advantage to BE is
that you can load a large ABSTRACT file onto the card as well. Formatting of
references is easy in both but importing is easier in BE. No difference when
adding to a paper. I'd give BE the edge for what you are looking for.
Leo Bores, M.D.
Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!14!Leo.Bores
Internet: Leo.Bores@f14.n114.z1.fidonet.org
jeremy@cs.swarthmore.edu (Jeremy Brest) (03/03/90)
In an article of <27 Feb 90 23:47:08 GMT>, jahayes@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu writes: >Question. I'm looking for a bibliographic database package that will >be compatible with Word 4.0 and amenable to the vagaries of scientific >journals' format preferences. BiblioStax from Pro/Tem Software may be just what you're looking for. It's a Hypercard database that knows the formatting styles for hundreds of journals, and also knows (MS Word's) Rich Text Format. Pro/Tem is at 814 Tolman Drive, Stanford, CA 94305. Jeremy Brest Swarthmore College jeremy@cs.swarthmore.edu
dpaight@weber.ucsd.edu (Dan Paight) (03/03/90)
In article <13761.25EDFFD9@stjhmc.fidonet.org> Leo.Bores@f14.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Leo Bores) writes: >I use both EndNotes (Niles computing) and BookEnds Mac (Sensible Software) and >find the latter much easier to use albiet slow. The big advantage to BE is >that you can load a large ABSTRACT file onto the card as well. Formatting of >references is easy in both but importing is easier in BE. No difference when >adding to a paper. I'd give BE the edge for what you are looking for. > >Leo Bores, M.D. > Hmm. How large is "large." When you're talking abstracts? I recall reading in the EndNote manual that any field can hold as much as 32k. Getting the text into EN is just a matter of cutting and pasting. So what could be easier? (That's not a rhetorical question. If BE has an easier way, I'd like to know about it.)
stevens@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Curt Stevens) (03/03/90)
In article <1064.25eacb2d@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu> jahayes@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu writes: > >Question. I'm looking for a bibliographic database package that will >be compatible with Word 4.0 and amenable to the vagaries of scientific >journals' format preferences. I have lots of reprints, and titles of Endnote is a real fine package which I have used since it first came out. One of the best things about it is that the tech support for the product is fantastic (a woman named Avi Rappaport is in charge). For instance, I needed to import a special version of refer bibliogrphies which classified documents (book, article, proceedings...). Refer normally doesn't allow this but I use bibtex formats on unix. SO I wrote a conversion program from bibtex to this special refer format and Avi wrote a version of Endnote that would read it. I believe this is now the released version of the product. This work was done despite the fact that there were very few users (3 I think) at the time who considered this a problem. If other companies operated tech support like this the mac world would be a much friendlier place. As far as being able to deal with many bibliography formats, Endnote allows you to define your own formats so that shouldn't be a problem. The only problem which has caused me any greif is that if you have commas between the data fields of a reference format (author, title, year...) and one of the pieces of data is missing in a particular citation, the commas remain and you get (author,,year) which isn't too nice. I have approx 1100 entries in my reference database and speed is never a problem. Everything happens fast. =============================================================================== |Curt Stevens (303) 492-1218 | / |arpa: stevens@boulder.colorado.edu| |University of Colorado at Boulder | o o |uucp:{ncar|nbires}!boulder!stevens| |Computer Science Dept. ECOT 7-7 | | |----------------------------------| |Campus Box 430 | \_/ |I don't believe in intuition, but | |Boulder, Colorado 80309-0430 USA | |I have strangest feeling I will!! | =============================================================================== ======== | Curt | ========
thom@dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (Thom Gillespie) (03/03/90)
What about Pro-cite? Does anyone have any experience with this product for the Mac? --Thom
nilesinc@well.sf.ca.us (Avi Rappoport) (03/04/90)
In article <1064.25eacb2d@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu> jahayes@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu writes: > >Question. I'm looking for a bibliographic database package that will >be compatible with Word 4.0 and amenable to the vagaries of scientific >journals' format preferences. I have lots of reprints, and titles of Please feel free to e-mail me any questions. We do all of the above and more... -- -- Help me justify my online bills: ask me EndNote questions, please! -- Avi Rappoport 2000 Hearst, Berkeley, CA 94709 nilesinc@well.sf.ca.us, 415-655-6666 Niles.Assoc on AppleLink fax: 415-649-8179
rajiv@ee.rochester.edu (Rajiv Arora) (03/06/90)
In article <17668@boulder.Colorado.EDU> stevens@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Curt Stevens) writes: > >As far as being able to deal with many bibliography formats, Endnote >allows you to define your own formats so that shouldn't be a problem. The >only problem which has caused me any greif is that if you have commas >between the data fields of a reference format (author, title, year...) >and one of the pieces of data is missing in a particular citation, the >commas remain and you get (author,,year) which isn't too nice. > You can easily avoid this happening by using the | character. I'm not at my Mac, nor do I have the manual handy, so I can't look up exactly how I did this. Rajiv Arora -- Addresses: UUCP: ...!rochester!ur-valhalla!rajiv Internet: rajiv@ee.rochester.edu
Leo.Bores@f14.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Leo Bores) (03/06/90)
In an article of <2 Mar 90 18:05:32 GMT>, dpaight@weber.ucsd.edu (Dan Paight)
DP>Hmm. How large is "large." When you're talking abstracts? I recall
DP>reading in the EndNote manual that any field can hold as much as
DP>32k. Getting the text into EN is just a matter of cutting and
DP>pasting. So what could be easier? (That's not a rhetorical question.
DP>If BE has an easier way, I'd like to know about it.)
Ah so! It's 32K in BE via direct import or cut-n-paste. Missed that in BE. I
use both for various advantages - so far I use BE the most and have a stack
containing 4000 references.
Leo Bores, M.D.
Uucp: ...{gatech,ames,rutgers}!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!14!Leo.Bores
Internet: Leo.Bores@f14.n114.z1.fidonet.org