[comp.sys.mac] comp.sys.mac.programmer

chuq@plaid.Sun.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) (01/26/88)

Here's the latest status on comp.sys.mac.programmer. I've merged in the 
votes gotten by the other vote takers, removed duplicates and votes posted
to the network instead of mailed, and otherwise cleaned up the list. The
voting, after all of that, is 101-10 in favor of creating. This puts us over
the limit, although I'd like a larger margin of error in case some of the
accounts turn out to be bogus, so if you haven't voted yet, please do so.

This means that all we have to do is wait the three weeks or so for the 30
day period to finish and the group will be created. Way to go, folks!

I'm not posting the entire (115K) file of mail messages. If anyone wants to
see it, send me mail. If I've got your vote wrong or it is missing or you
want to change it or you see some other problem, send me mail.


"Yes" votes: 101

	?? ??			<life.pawl.rpi.edu!puswad>
	Charles Allen		<cca@newton.physics.purdue.edu>
	David Anderson		<David.Anderson@K.GP.CS.CMU.EDU>
	Nabajyoti Barkakati	<naba@eneevax.umd.edu>
	Stephen Baumgarten	<sbb@esquire.uucp>
	Warren Bell		 <gpu.utcs.toronto.edu!wbell>
	Ron Beloin		<beloin@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu>
	Wade Blomgren		<wade%sdacs@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu>
	Brad Blumenthal		<brad@pheasant.cs.utexas.edu>
	Jeremy Brest		<liberty!swatsun!jeremy>
	Dave C			<davec%mhuxu@att.arpa>
	Victoria Cheadle	<mejac!cheadle>
	Lee Choquette		<sunset.utah.edu!u-lchoqu>
	Christopher Chow	<chow@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu>
	William Cole		<cole@cogsci.Berkeley.EDU>
	Jeff Creech		 <creech@cs.unc.edu>
	Mark Day		<mday@cgl.ucsf.edu>
	Robert DelFavero	<clunker!rvd>
	Glen Ditchfield		 <violet!gjditchfield>
	George Drapeau		<oberon!drapeau>
	Paul Dubois		<uwvax!bin>
	Heather Ebey		<ebey@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu>
	Alan Epstein		<metasoft!alan>
	Ken Ewing		<ewing-ken@YALE.ARPA>
	John Farrell		<banana.cs.uq.oz.au!farrell>
	Miles Fidelman		<mfidelma@CC5.BBN.COM>
	Eric Fielding		<eric@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu>
	Paul Fons		<fons%uxe.cso.uiuc.edu@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu>
	Elliot Frank		<esf00@uts.amdahl.com>
	Gadi Friedman		<friedman@aramis.rutgers.edu>
	David Gelphman		<gelphman@adobe.uucp>
	Peter Gergely		 <DREA-GRIFFIN.ARPA!Peter>
	Don Gillies		<gillies@p.cs.uiuc.edu>
	Matt Goheen		<ames!rochester!srs!matt>
	William Graefe		<graefe@TRAMP.COLORADO.EDU>
	Matthew Grayson		<ir353@sdcc6.ucsd.edu>
	J Greely		<orange.cis.ohio-state.edu!greely>
	Derek Gross		<derek@mind.Princeton.EDU>
	Byron Han		 <han@apple.apple.com>
	John Hatfield		<c60c-6bd@wolf.berkeley.edu>
	Robert Hernandez	<bob@trotter.usma.edu>
	David Herron		<david@ms.uky.edu>
	Lon Hildreth		<hildreth@cg-atla.uucp>
	Frank Horowitz		<horowitz@geology.tn.cornell.edu>
	Francois Ingrand	<Felix@AI.SRI.COM>
	Ralph Johnson		<johnson@p.cs.uiuc.edu>
	Jim Kateley		 <kateley@apple.apple.com>
	Larry Kollar		<dcatla!mclek>
	Peter Korn		<apple.apple.com!korn>
	Joe Kwan		<rabbit@psivax.psi.siemens.COM>
	Gabriel Lawrence	<lawrence@CCV.BBN.COM>
	Bill Leue		<LEUE%nmr.tcpip@ge-crd.arpa>
	Joel Levin		<levin@CC5.BBN.COM>
	Tom Lippin		<lippin@bosco.berkeley.edu>
	Darrell Long		<darrell@beowulf.ucsd.edu>
	Roger Long		<felix!rlong>
	Jim Macak		<lakesys!macak>
	Jim Madden		<madden%net1@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu>
	Clay Maeckel		<claris!clay>
	John Malone		<cod.nosc.mil!malone>
	D.J. McCarthy		<mccarthy%uxe.cso.uiuc.edu@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu>
	Donald Mead		<dmm@gatech.edu>
	Paul Meyer		<paul@CAF.MIT.EDU>
	Stephen Miner		<miner@spam.istc.sri.com>
	David Mutter		<ecsvax!applts>
	Paul Nakada		<nakada%husc7@harvard.harvard.edu>
	Bryce Nesbitt		<bryce@hoser.Berkeley.EDU>
	Mikael Niklasson	<micke@efd.lu.se>
	Michael Peirce		<peirce@lll-crg.llnl.gov>
	Mark Perkins		<perkins@acf8.NYU.EDU>
	Joseph Piazza		<sunybcs!jmpiazza>
	Dave Platt		<coherent!dplatt>
	Daniel Quinlan		<danq@sag4.ssl.Berkeley.EDU>
	Fons Rademakers		<nikhefh.hep.nl!i91>
	Eric Reid		<ereid@sun.com>
	Brian Reid		<reid@decwrl.dec.com>
	Darryl Richman		<darryl@ism780c.isc.com>
	Larry Rosenstein	<lsr@apple.apple.com>
	Craig Ruff		<cruff@scdpyr.UCAR.EDU>
	David Salzman		<salzman@jvnca.csc.org>
	Marc Sarrel		<tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!sarrel>
	Brian Schipper		<claris!skip>
	Brian Siritzky		<siritzky@acf2.NYU.EDU>
	Jack Slingerland	jacks@tigger.GPID.TEK.COM>
	Tom Slone		<potency@violet.Berkeley.EDU>
	Roy Smith		<phri!roy>
	Garth Snyder		<vu-vlsi!swatsun!garth>
	Steve Starbuck		<pearl@topaz.rutgers.edu>
	Paul Steele		<aucs!paul>
	Oliver Steele		<steele@cs.unc.edu>
	Steve Strassmann	<straz@MEDIA-LAB.MEDIA.MIT.EDU>
	Josh Susser		<Susser.pasa@Xerox.COM>
	Hans van_der_Meer	<uva!hansm>
	Douwe van_der_Schaaf	<uvapsy!vdschaaf>
	Edward Vielmetti	<emv@starbarlounge.cc.umich.edu>
	Benjamin Waldman	<waldman@harvard.harvard.edu>
	Will Walker		<hpeswlw!wlw>
	Bob Walker		<walker@faraday.ece.cmu.edu>
	Jerry Whitnell		<jwhitnel@csib.csi.com>
	Gary Winiger		<gww@elxsi.uucp>
	Peter Yee		<yee@ames.arc.nasa.gov>

"No" votes: 10
	Chuck Cranor		<cranor@UDEL.EDU>
	Matt Crawford		<matt@oddjob.uchicago.edu>
	Joe Devincentis		<encore!devoz>
	? Grobbins		<sdcc8!cs178aas>
	Jeff Hallett		<steinmetz!hallett>
	Marc Kaufman		<kaufman@shasta.stanford.edu>
	Bob Larson		<blarson%skat.usc.edu@oberon.usc.edu>
	Dave McCarthy		<dfmccrthy@brock.cdn>
	Gregory Paris		<rayssd.RAY.COM!gmp>
Chuq "Fixed in 4.0" Von Rospach		chuq@sun.COM		Delphi: CHUQ

                       What do you mean 'You don't really want to hurt her?'
                                    I'm a Super-Villain! That's my Schtick!

jdm@ut-emx.UUCP (Jim Meiss) (03/15/88)

	I've seen several messages lately to the effect that comp.sys.mac.
programmer is gone from several sites. It vanished at emx.utexas too.
What gives? Does anybody still get it?
	I want it back!

				Jim Meiss				

sysop@stech.UUCP (Jan Harrington) (03/15/88)

in article <1204@ut-emx.UUCP>, jdm@ut-emx.UUCP (Jim Meiss) says:
> Posted: Mon Mar 14 22:39:49 1988
> 	I've seen several messages lately to the effect that comp.sys.mac.
> programmer is gone from several sites. It vanished at emx.utexas too.
> What gives? Does anybody still get it?
> 	I want it back!

The readson it's gone is that a bogus message got posted to the net about
the group being bad (it was one of those "problems with your active file"
messages).  Sites that didn't look at the message too carefully must have
gone ahead and removed the groups in that message, comp.sys.mac.programmer
among them.

The group is still being circulated on the net; the systems without it
need to put it back in their active file, etc.

Jan Harrington, sysop
Scholastech Telecommunications
UUCP: ihnp4!husc6!amcad!stech!sysop or allegra!stech!sysop

	Miscellaneous profundity:

		"No matter where you go, there you are."
				Buckaroo Banzai

ubi@ginger.sri.com (Ron Ueberschaer x4399) (02/27/90)

A while back I asked if anyone has ported the PD program called
"month" to the Mac.  I got no response.  To give an idea of what the
program does, I'll paraphrase/plagiarize the UN*X man page which
came with the source distribution:


     month - a visual calendar and time/event organizer

     . . .


          Month displays a calendar of the current month  of  the
          current year, with the current day highlighted. It then
          allows the user to browse to any month/day/year, and to
          schedule  and recall events for a day or for some regu-
          lar  repeating  series  of   days.    

     Screen Areas

          There are four distinct areas of the screen:  the  days
          area where the days of the month are listed in calendar
          format, the months area where the months  of  the  year
          are  listed,  the  years area where a sequence of years
          are listed, and the schedule area.

     . . .

     Scanning events

          The S key will cause a sequential list  of  events  for
          the  current  day to be displayed in the schedule area.
          The events for any given day may be  scanned,  deleted,
          or  modified.   After displaying each one, the prompt "
          [n,p,d,e,q] " is put up and will respond to these char-
          acter commands:

          'n': go to next event
          'p': go to previous event
          'd': delete this event
          'e': edit this event  as  during  a  posting  described
          'q': quit the scan and return to calendar
          <ESC>: same as 'q'

     . . .


I know the program has been ported to Sun workstations under the 
name "monthtool".  It seems that a similarly useful program would
have made it to the Mac environment by now.  If not, I may consider
doing the port myself (curses ==> Toolbox conversion required).
*Please* let me know if I'd be wasting my time!  I'd hate to do
all this work only to find that it's already been done better...

--Ron Ueberschaer
  SRI International

oster@well.sf.ca.us (David Phillip Oster) (03/07/90)

In article <9572@unix.SRI.COM> ubi@ginger.sri.com (Ron Ueberschaer x4399) writes:
_>A while back I asked if anyone has ported the PD program called
_>"month" to the Mac.  I got no response. 
_>     month - a visual calendar and time/event organizer
_>          Month displays a calendar of the current month  of  the
_>          current year, with the current day highlighted. It then
_>          allows the user to browse to any month/day/year, and to
_>          schedule  and recall events for a day or for some regu-
_>          lar  repeating  series  of   days.    
This program is similar to my shareware Calendar. The current version is
Cal 3.02. There will be a 3.03 as soon as I speed up my phase-of-the-moon
code. The routine I am using now is accurate, and only slows the display
of a month's calendar by 1/5 second on a MacIIcx. On a MacPlus, it slows
the display by 5 seconds, which is too slow. I will release it when I am
doing better.
-- David Phillip Oster - Note new address. Old one has gone Bye Bye.
-- oster@well.sf.ca.us = {backbone}!well!oster