[comp.sys.mac] My system file shows cancerous growth. HELP!

mudpit@lamont.ldgo.columbia.edu (dan quoidbach) (03/11/90)

I noticed something funny happening the other day.  I tried to start Excel 1.04
and was told that there was not enought memory.  I have a Mac+ with 2.5 meg and
was running Multifinder 6.0.3 and System 6.0.2.  I took a look at "about 
finder" and saw that the system file was over 1 meg.  I thought that was rather
big and toyed around with starting up other applications, closing others to get
some room, and when I looked at "about finder" again I saw that the system
file was growing.  I rebooted and found the size of the system at startup to
be 875K. I am running numerous cdevs and inits and as this was the first time
I'd paid any attention to what the size of the system was I couldn't tell if
this was big or not.  But again I noticed that whenever I opened an application
the system would grow by 2K.  I thought I might have caught some virus even
though I'm running Gatekeeper and Gatekeeper Aid and scan regularly with
Disinfectant, so I ran disinfectant again (version 1.6).  It didn't find any
viruses but it did up the size of the system by 9K. I switched to using finder
and the system didn't grow.  I switched back to multifinder and removed all
my inits and cdevs except for virus protection and the basic control panel
stuff from Apple.  On reboot the size of the system was down to 280 K but the
damn thing kept on growing like before.  Okay.  That's my situation.  My
question is:

Is this activity normal?  If not is it likely to be due to a poorly written
application or is this a virus that Disinfectant 1.6 and Gatekeeper (latest
version I think) can't detect?  I would appreciate all advice and help as my
masters thesis will be a product of this machine.  It's all backed up but
I'll feel a lot better knowing what's going on.  Prefer replies mailed to 
mudpit@lamont.ldgo.columbia.edu as our news reception has gone to hell lately.

Thanks a bunch in advance.

--Dan Quoidbach