[net.wanted] Need Calcomp to Benson Plotter Conversion Program

vid@astroatc.UUCP (05/10/85)

One of the groups in our company has a Vax 780 running VMS 4.1 and will be
putting a Benson (9444F I think) plotter on it (using the Benson 215D Unibus
interface). They have also discovered some project management software which
runs on VMS and puts out nice graphs, charts etc. Unfortunatly the output
from these programs is a set of vectors for a Calcomp pen plotter.

Does anyone know of a program (Public domain or other ) which will convert
the Calcomp vector file to a Benson raster file suitable to be sent to the
Benson plotter? 

Any tips at all on how this could be done and what kinds of problems I can
exepect would be greatly appreciated.

Please reply via mail and I will summarize if there is sufficient interest.
Dave Greunke                     | {seismo,ihnp4,harpo}!uwvax!astroatc!vid
Astronautics Technology Center   | 608-221-9001
Madison WI                       |