dnewman@ut-emx.UUCP (Dave Newman) (03/22/90)
How does on tell Wingz to open a script file whenever it opens
a particular sheet? I'd like to put an "opne" handler in the
sheet script, but there is apparently no open handler. I thought
about using an "activate" handler, but I can't get it to read
in the appropriate file (I keep getting file not found errors).
Must I provide the full path name? Must the file to be read in
be in a particluar folder? Must the file name be in quotes?
The documentation on this (version 1.0) is not very helpful,
and I'm still waiting on my copy of 1.1 (academic version
not released yet, I am told ... we'll see if I can't convince
them to send me something sooner). Can anyone recommend a
commercial book that covers hyperscript?