[comp.sys.mac] Unusual SCSI behavior

chris@imagine.ADMS-RAD.Unisys.COM (Chris Sterritt) (03/23/90)


	I recently installed a Toshiba CD-ROM drive onto my SCSI chain,
and got the following strange behavior: I use the "In Use" init to show
when 'something's up' on the bus, and now it flashes about once every other
second.  This didn't start up immediately after adding the drive, but a few
days after.

	Any clues?  I check my hard disk (booted with no CD-ROM in the drive)
for virii, and Disinfectant 1.6 declared it clean.  Haven't checked all the
ROM's though.

	thanks in adv.,
	chris sterritt

Chris Sterritt - chris@adms-rad.unisys.com - "Save the Dot-Sig"  President
Help Save the Dot Sig!  (Even though they're not vanishing!).  Please send
your (and others!) signature files to me, and I will collect them.  When I
have approximately 600 megabytes of them, I will have FREE CD-ROMs made of
them and send one to each submitter's home address. (Along with a bill for
$150.00 shipping and handling). Get in on volume one now, before the rush!