[comp.sys.mac] SE/20 Hard Drive Woes

sean@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Sean P. Nolan) (03/27/90)

Hi ho...

How annoying. I just came back from a two-week vacation to find my SE (4 megs
RAM, 20 meg internal, 40 meg external, 2400SE Promodem, System 6.0.2, a few
inits) really annoyed that I left it alone for so long. The internal drive,
while still holding all the info and checking out ok, decides at arbitrary
times to stop working. I'll be going along all nice and happy, and suddenly
the drive active light turns on (like it is now... hope I finish this post 
before ZModem wants to read from disk) solid and refuses to converse with the
mac. The problem seems to happen pretty regularly, but not predictably (i.e.,
about every 4 minutes, but not during any specific read/write operation). It
also seems that, once a long read or write is started, it will finish without

What a bummer. Anybody have any simple ideas? The SE is circa Summer '87, so
it's not a bad lubrication problem, at least not of the most recent genre. I
suppose it's just old and cranky, but I thought I'd see if anybody had any
good thoughts before I brought it in.

Please Email any suggestions (or just sympathy notes) to:



--- Sean