[comp.sys.mac] How do you make styled fonts?

dave@PRC.Unisys.COM (David Lee Matuszek) (03/29/90)

I have some styled bitmap fonts (Avant Garde, Garamond, Goudy,
Franklin Gothic) that I downloaded from the internet.

I also have, as separate fonts, the normal, bold, italic, and bold
italic versions of Prelude Script.  I'd like to merge these into a
single, styled bitmap font.

I think I have the tools to do this (Fontastic+, Font/DA Mover 3.8,
ResEdit).  I've looked at the font numbers of Avant Garde and the
others, which I thought encoded the style information; but the numbers
seem random.  I've tried Font Harmony, but that didn't do the job (in
fact, I've never been quite sure what it's supposed to do....)

Do I have adequate tools?  If so, how do I do this?  If not, what
tools do I need?

Any information would be appreciated.  Thanks.

-- Dave Matuszek (dave@prc.unisys.com)
-- Unisys Corp. / Paoli Research Center / PO Box 517 / Paoli PA  19301
-- Any resemblance between my opinions and those of my employer is improbable.
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