[comp.sys.mac] Is there a good general intro Mac book?

allyn@milton.acs.washington.edu (Allyn Weaks) (04/09/90)

A friend of mine is finally plunging into the computer/Mac world, and I'm
looking around for a good novice level book for him.  There were two at our
bookstore that covered the right sort of thing (definitions, general tips, and
such) - The Mac Bible, and The Big Mac Book.  Both cost about $28 and are huge,
so I can't afford to buy them both and read them to determine the Silly
Statements Factor.   Does anyone know anything about these or any other
introductory Mac-in-general-for-the-novice-but-intelligent-user book?

I started writing up some basic care & feeding sheets, but it's starting to get
out of hand, and at this point, a preexisting book seems the way to go so that
I can restrict myself to a page or so of the most essential things, like Thou
Shalt Backup, and Thou Shalt keep Vaccine and Gatekeeper in thy System
Folder...  (Yes, if I ever finish it, and if there's interest, I'll post it.)

e-mail will be summarized; otherwise I actually read this group! (Though I'm
handy with the 'k' key :-)

Allyn Weaks

allyn@milton.u.washington.edu           sweaks@phast.phys.washington.edu
{backbone}!uw-beaver!milton!allyn       sweaks@phast  (bitnet)

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