harkcom@potato.pa.Yokogawa.CO.JP (Alton Harkcom) (04/11/90)
I need a system switcher that will lock certain partitions on my
hard disk for each system. I belive there is similar software for
PC's that does this for dos/unix switching.
Send replies to harkcom@pa.yokogawa.co.jp
/\---/\ Alton Harkcom |<Disclaimer>
/ __ __\ 1-13-26-A505 Honcho | The opinions and ideas expressed
| <-> <->\ Higashimurayama-shi |in this document are my personal
\ ,, / Tokyo, 189 Japan |opinions and have nutin ta do wid
\_ (--)/ T:0422-52-5589 |nobody else. Got it!?!?
\\\// harkcom@pa.yokogawa.co.jp