[comp.sys.mac] MS Word 4.00a update queries

ke2y@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (04/11/90)

Three questions about the update:

  First:  Could someone please send a list of all the fixes/changes?  If such
          a list does not exist, I'd be glad to compile and summarize to the

  Second: There was a rumor that the update introduced a new bug - something
          about crashing after opening a text file and then saving again
          as text only or text with line breaks.  Can anyone confirm this?
          Are there any other 'new' bugs?  Again, will summarize, if necessary.

  Third:  This one's to the folks at Microsoft:
          Would it be possible for you to create an 'updater' program to be
          posted to the net and to archives?  This method of distributing
          bug fixes is extremely convenient and seems to have been fairly
          successful for other companies (e.g. Symantec, Berkeley Systems,
          etc.).  I'm quite certain many Word users on the net will greatly
          appreciate this form of technical support.  (I'm sure I will!)

Thanks in advance,

                                              -- John

|  John T. Chapman                       |                                    |
|                                        |  Witty message under repair...     |
|  ke2y@vax5.cit.cornell.edu             |                                    |
|  ke2y@crnlvax5.bitnet                  |                                    |
|       Disclaimer: These opinions are mine.  You can't have them!            |