[comp.sys.mac] misc for sale

hsing@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu (Hsing-Chung Lee) (04/06/89)

MAC II CPU with 1 meg RAM, $2900 or best offer.

Call 913-539-2933

Reply-To: hsing@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu (Steve Hsing C. Lee)
                        / >  Steve Hsing. C. Lee

aron@garnet.berkeley.edu (Aron Roberts) (10/15/89)

Macintosh software for sale.  One copy each of:

Microsoft Excel         Omnis 3 Plus
Font/DA Juggler         MacTerminal

***** Microsoft Excel *****

Version 1.5.  Includes version 1.03 reference manual with bound-in update 
pages for versions 1.04 and 1.5, quick reference manual, and sampler/
idea book; plus one disk.  Comes with coupon from Microsoft to
upgrade to the latest version (2.2) with all-new manuals and disks
at a cost of $99 plus shipping/tax, for a net price of approximately
$175 if you choose to upgrade.  (This upgrade offer expires on
31 October 1989, so take advantage quickly if you're interested!)  

       Asking:  $70.00

***** Font/DA Juggler *****

Version 1.16 (the latest) of this head-to-head competitor with
Suitcase II.  Includes 59 p. manual plus two disks (one which updates
Font/DA Juggler and Master Juggler to their respective latest
versions).  Can be upgraded to Master Juggler directly from ALSoft
(at approximately $30?).

       Asking:  $20.00

***** MacWrite *****

"Classic" MacWrite, version 5.01 from Claris.  Runs on Macs from the 
512K Enhanced to the latest models.  Can be upgraded to MacWrite II 
directly from Claris at a cost of $65.00.  (Discount retail price on
the latter is around $180.)

       Asking:  $50.00

***** Omnis 3 Plus *****

Once the premiere Mac relational database; still relatively fast and
powerful, but requires a fair amount of learning to use effectively.
Has been effectively supplanted by FoxBASE+/Mac and 4th Dimension.
Version 3.25 (the latest version is Omnis 5, just recently released).
Does not include Omnis Express (application generator).  Upgrade path
(if any) unknown--check with Blyth.

       Asking: $35.00

***** MacTerminal *****

Version 2.2.  Can be upgraded at no cost to version 2.31 (the latest, 
works with the Mac Portable and IIci) at authorized Apple dealers.
Excellent VT100 emulation; now includes MacBinary XMODEM file transfers.
No scripting language or Kermit protocol file transfer capabilities.

       Asking: $25.00


o All packages include original disks and documentation; some come 
  with original boxes.  
o A letter transferring product registration will be included.
o If you need one or more of these packages shipped to you,
  please add $3.00 (for UPS ground shipment) to your total price. 

(Additional contact:  home phone (415) 655-5672 (has answering machine)


Aron Roberts  Workstation Support Services . 219 Evans Hall
              University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720  
              aron@garnet.Berkeley.EDU . ucbvax!garnet!aron
              ARONR@UCBCMSA.BITNET . (415) 642-5974

gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (06/05/90)

Hi.  I have several things for sale:

Toshiba P321SLC 24 pin color printer:
- 24 pin print mechanism
- 1 new ribbon (there is also a new ribbon currently in the printer)
- 80 cps NLQ
- 216 cps draft
- 32K built in.  Can be used as a buffer or for fonts
- 2 font or RAM slots
- IBM Proprinter, IBM Colorprinter emulations.
- Emulates other Toshiba 3?? series printers
- parallel and serial interfaces
- menu driven panel
- push/pull tractor feed
- friction feed
- paper parking
- sound baffle
- some other things I cannot remember...
- around 1 year old
- in excellent working order
- I paid ~$600 for this, I would like to get around $350 (or more 8-)

Televideo 9550 terminal:
- many emulations,
- manual
- up to 19200 baud
- serial printer port
- battery backed RAM for saving configuration
- menus
- never used
- $225

Dec daisywheel printer:
- ~40cps
- package of new ribbons
- package of new print wheels
- serial connector
- serial cable
- $100 (negotiable)

gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu       gilgalad@zip.eecs.umich.edu
gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu     Ralph_Seguin@ub.cc.umich.edu
gilgalad@sparky.eecs.umich.edu    USER6TUN@UMICHUB.BITNET

Ralph Seguin               |  In order to get infinitely many monkeys to type
565 South Zeeb Rd.         | something that actually makes sense, you need to
Ann Arbor, MI 48103        | have infinitely many monkey editors as well.
(313) 662-1506