[comp.sys.mac] 32K barrier...reply summary

reece@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (Glen A. Reece) (06/16/90)

  I decided to go ahead and post the summary of the replies that I
received regarding the 32K barrier on the Mac.  This is a simple
compilation of the replies that I recieved, and I have not verified
whether they are "truely" correct (as one of the replies suggested).

  Again, thanks to all who replied!!!

 - Glen A. Reece
   Industrial Fellow
   Artificial Intelligence Lab.
   Arizona State University


From norman@d.cs.okstate.edu Sun Jun  3 09:10:58 1990
Received: from [] by enuxha.eas.asu.edu (5.61/1.28)
	id AA00378; Sun, 3 Jun 90 09:10:51 -0700
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Date:     Sun, 3 Jun 90 11:11:33 CDT
From: Norman Graham Oklahoma State Univers <norman@d.cs.okstate.edu>
To: reece@enuxha.eas.asu.edu
Status: R

Subject: Re: 32K barrier on the Mac...
Reply-To: norman@a.cs.okstate.edu
cc: norman@a.cs.okstate.edu

I'm working from memory, so I may munge minor details. Here goes...

The 32K globals limit is _not_ imposed by the Mac's architecture.
Rather, it is a limitation imposed by the method many development
systems use to reference global data. Reasonable development systems
will not have this limit (for example, MPW C, Pascal, and Link can
build applications with > 32K globals).

The global referencing method that produces the 32K limit works like
this: The Mac can load applications at any point in memory, so
absolute memory references are out; thus globals must be referenced 
relative to some fixed position in memory. The Mac's Segment Loader
automatically sets up register A5 to point to the bottom of the app's
stack, so many development systems take advantage of this fixed point
in memory and store the application globals on the negative side of
the stack's base. To reference the globals, the development system will
use the 'address register indirect with displacement' addressing mode
with a negative displacement [in asm it looks like -32(A5) ]. With this
addressing mode, the displacement is limited to a signed 16-bit value
(on the 68000 at least) and thus the largest negative displacement is
-32K. Hence the 32K limit on globals.

The preceeding method is but one of several methods that can be used to
reference global data. Most development systems (particularly the early
ones) use this method because (1) most mac applications don't come anywhere
close to using 32K of globals and (2) it works, it's relativly fast, and
it saves a register (since A5 is already in use for other things). In MPW,
compiler and link options can be used to generate 32-bit references, but
the resulting code is slower--but only for the code that uses the 32-bit
global references; code that uses 16-bit global references are still fast.

The moral of the story is 'If you need > 32K globals then use a development
system that can handle it.'

Hope this helps,


From philip@Pescadero.Stanford.EDU Sun Jun  3 12:42:36 1990
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To: reece@enuxha.eas.asu.edu
Subject: Re: 32K barrier on the Mac...
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 90 12:43:59 PDT
From: philip@Pescadero.Stanford.EDU
Status: R

In article <894@enuxha.eas.asu.edu> you write:
>    I was having a discussion the other day with a friend who asked about
> writing applications for the Mac.  I told him that the limitation to
> application size was not memory but the 32K static data barrier that exists
> on the Mac (64K on the PC I think).  Anyway, can someone please give a
> good explanation of the reason for the 32K limit and reason as to why Apple
> has not eliminated this constraint.

To start with, the Mac OS does restrict the maximum amount of usable memory
(8M in current versions, I believe - I've been using 5M for 2 years with no

There are in fact several variants on the "32K" limit. The one you refer to -
the maximum for static data - is not really Apple's "fault", except to the
extent that they may supply compilers which are restricited in this way.
The MC680x0 instruction set includes instructions which allow efficient
addressing within an offset of 32K, and most compiler writers have chosen
to enforce the 32K limit, rather than to have to generate different
instructions for specific pieces of data more than 32K from the start of
the global area.

A few other limits... What follows is from memory, so if you want to post
this or use the information, check it from other sources.

[The built-in text edit routines have a size limit
(usually assumed to be 32K) - this results from a length field being
stored as an integer. In fact, according to Inside Macintosh, the length
field is "unsigned", so the limit ought to be 64K (but I haven't checked
this, and every Mac programmming book I've seen says 32K). Another is the
limit on size of code resources, which I believe is also 32K, at least I
think the entry point furthest from the start can't be more than 32K from
the begining because of the way the jump table (used for calls across
segments) is structured. Finally, the earlier Macs had a limit of 32K on
the size of resources, but I believe this has been fixed with later ROM
revisions and newer models (this was I believe a bug in the resource

The 64K limit on the PC is a consequence of the segment addressing scheme
on the 8086 processor, which restricts a segment to 64K. I'm not sure about
the limit on the 80286, but the 80386 and 80386SX allow a single segment
register to be used to access the entire address space. Compared with the
8086, the 68000 does not introduce an addressing limitation, but allows an
optimization for offsets less than 32K. Also, the 8086 has too few segment
registers, which means a vast amount of register copying is required in
some cases (e.g., a context switch).

In summary, the Mac addressing limits are software-based, and could be
repaired (sometimes at the expense of making the compiler writer do more
work to generate optimal code); the 8086 addressing limits are hardware based,
and can only be cured by moving to a more expensive processor.


From well!oster@apple.com Mon Jun  4 05:49:08 1990
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Date: Mon, 4 Jun 90 01:06:26 pdt
From: well!oster@apple.com (David Phillip Oster)
Message-Id: <9006040806.AA11892@well.sf.ca.us>
To: reece@enuxha.eas.asu.edu
Subject: Re: 32K barrier on the Mac
Status: R

There is and is not any such limit. Many compilers use signed 16-bit offsets
from register A5 to access static data, and those compilers will not let you
directly generate code to access more than 32k of statics. If you have a large
static structure, you can always write it to a Macintosh Resource, and have
the initialization section of the program do a:

h = GetResource('GNRL', 128);
basePointer = *h;

and access things as basePointer->field[i] from then on. You'd have to do this
anyway if you prgrammed in pascal: Resources are the _only_ kind of initialized
data there are, since ordinary pascal lacks the concept.

Many compilers do not allow more than 32k in a single struct.

I have been writing for the Mac since it came out, and for Unix since '75.
I haven't found the restrictions a hardship.


From rmh@apple.com Mon Jun  4 10:23:14 1990
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From: rmh@apple.com (Rick Holzgrafe)
To: reece@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (Glen A. Reece)
Cc: rmh@apple.com
Subject: Re: 32K barrier on the Mac...
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 1990 10:19:24 PDT
References: <894@enuxha.eas.asu.edu>
Message-Id: <85449006041019rmh@apple.com>
Organization: Apple Computer, Inc.
Status: R

In article <894@enuxha.eas.asu.edu> reece@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (Glen A. 
Reece) writes:
>    I was having a discussion the other day with a friend who asked about
> writing applications for the Mac.  I told him that the limitation to
> application size was not memory but the 32K static data barrier that 
> on the Mac (64K on the PC I think).  Anyway, can someone please give a
> good explanation of the reason for the 32K limit and reason as to why 
> has not eliminated this constraint.

This constraint exists but can be avoided.

For code, it is most convenient if your code segments do not exceed 32K. 
This is because most compilers and linkers use 16-bit offsets for their 
JSR instructions within segments, and because the "jump table" which 
controls jumps between segments uses 16-bit offsets to index into a 
segment. There are two ways around this. One is to simply use multiple 
segments, all less than 32K in size. There is rarely any difficulty with 
this in a standard application, and all Mac development systems support 
easy code segmenting. (Not all code resides in applications. Desk 
accessories, drivers, and INITs are examples of code which is "supposed" 
to be all in one segment; however, even these can have multiple code 
segments with only small additional effort from the developer.) The second 
way around is that some linkers (e.g. MPW's) allow code segments > 32K, 
and permit arranging the code within the segment so that external entry
points (those accessed from outside the segment, via the jump table) are
all located in the first 32K.

A similar limitation holds for static data. Mac applications have a single 
segment devoted to global data, and this segment must be < 32K in size, 
again because of the use of 16-bit indexing. This too can be gotten 
around. For example, large arrays can be represented instead as a pointer. 
The pointer uses only four bytes of the data segment. At run time, you 
dynamically allocate the array space from the heap, and aim the pointer at 
it. There is no arbitrary limit to the heap size or the size of any chunk 
allocated from the heap: all of available memory is usable. High-end image
processing applications typically work with memory chunks > 1Meg, for

If you require a large *initialized* array, you can still use the method 
above. Instead of allocating uninitialized space from the heap, store the 
contents of the array as a resource (at build time), read that into the 
heap at run time, and aim the pointer at it. (The MPW tool "Rez" reads a 
source language similar to, but richer than, C for declaring initialized 
data structures and translating them into resources.)

Segmenting code, allocating space from the heap, and storing data as 
resources are techniques perhaps likely to sound difficult and kludgy to 
the non-Mac programmer. In fact they are standard parts of the Mac 
programming idiom, and are not difficult at all. All of the above 
techniques are accomplished with not more than four lines of code, 
including error handling for the out-of-memory condition. Segmenting
involves only instructions to the compiler/linker, and is transparent
to the running code.

Usually the only people inconvenienced by the 32K "limit" are folks who 
are porting code from other systems (like Unix), and who have either large 
arrays of compile-time-initialized data, or single huge sub-routines that 
are themselves > 32K in size. Such programs can't be ported with a simple 
re-compile; they must suffer some re-arrangement of the source. But for 
anyone writing Mac applications from scratch, the 32K thing is not a 

Hope this helps.

Rick Holzgrafe              |    {sun,voder,nsc,mtxinu,dual}!apple!rmh
Software Engineer           | AppleLink HOLZGRAFE1          rmh@apple.com
Apple Computer, Inc.        |  "All opinions expressed are mine, and do
20525 Mariani Ave. MS: 77-A |    not necessarily represent those of my
Cupertino, CA 95014         |        employer, Apple Computer Inc."


From coherent!dplatt@ames.arc.nasa.gov Mon Jun  4 11:05:46 1990
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Date: Mon, 4 Jun 90 11:02:25 PDT
From: dplatt@coherent.com
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To: reece@enuxha.eas.asu.edu
Subject: Re: 32K barrier on the Mac...
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac
In-Reply-To: <894@enuxha.eas.asu.edu>
Organization: Coherent Thought Inc., Palo Alto CA
Status: R

There are several ways in which a 32k limit of one sort or another can
creep in.  Here they are:

1) In the first versions of the Mac (the 128 and 512k machines with the
   64k ROM), individual resources in the application couldn't exceed
   32k (or so I recall).  This limitation does not exist in newer Macs,
   and is no longer relevant.

2) Most applications access their static data (globals) by using an
   addressing format which specifies the base of the globals (stored in
   register A5) and a signed offset (16 bits).  The use of a 16-bit
   signed offset limits the access to +/- 32k from the location to which
   A5 is pointing.  Hence, this addressing format cannot access a
   globals area larger than 32k bytes.

   Some development systems (e.g. MPW) now support compiler options
   which specify that access to the global area should use a longword
   offset (32 bits) rather than a short offset (16 bits).  Applications
   built using these development systems can have very large static data

3) Access to Macintosh subroutines is performed via the "jump table".
   When you call a subroutine, you actually branch to an entry in the
   jump table.  A jump-table entry starts out containing a set of
   instructions which load a segment number and a 16-bit offset, and
   then executes a code-loading trap;  once the segment has been loaded
   into memory, the jump-table entry is replaced by a direct branch to
   the real subroutine.

   Because the jump table contains a 16-bit signed offset, any
   subroutine you wish to call must begin with 32k of the beginning of
   its segment.  Subroutines which are called only from within an
   individual segment (private, intra-segment routines) can safely exist
   beyond the 32k boundary; the compiler can use a PC-relative jump to
   call them, and is not required to go through the jump table.

4) The jump table itself is stored in the same way as the application
   globals... it's stored just below the location referenced by register
   A5, while the applications are stored above A5 (or vice versa... I
   forget which is which).  For this reason, the total size of the jump
   table itself must be less than 32k bytes;  this limits the number of
   individual globally-accessible subroutines which can exist in a
   single application.  For applications coded in C or PASCAL, this
   isn't usually a problem.  Large object-oriented systems, with a large
   number of classes and methods, may run up against the jump-table-size

Dave Platt                                             VOICE: (415) 493-8805
  UUCP: ...!{ames,apple,uunet}!coherent!dplatt   DOMAIN: dplatt@coherent.com
  INTERNET:       coherent!dplatt@ames.arpa,  ...@uunet.uu.net 
  USNAIL: Coherent Thought Inc.  3350 West Bayshore #205  Palo Alto CA 94303


From brad@gobi.Jpl.Nasa.Gov Wed Jun  6 12:32:32 1990
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Date: Wed, 6 Jun 90 12:33:45 PDT
From: brad@gobi.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (Brad Pickering)
Message-Id: <9006061933.AA09737@gobi.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
To: reece@enuxha.eas.asu.edu
Subject: Re: 32K barrier on the Mac...
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac
In-Reply-To: <894@enuxha.eas.asu.edu>
Organization: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Status: R

The natural way for a mac to express relative addresses (the most common
type of addressing) is as a 16 bit signed number (approx. -32k to 32k).
This is more because of the motorola 68000 than the mac.  There are
other ways to get around this 32k number but they are not as natuaral.
The more recent develoment systems (like MPW) allow you to specify a
flag when compiling programs which will use the more unatural addressing
method to get around the limit.  The programs will run slightly slower
but it can be worth it.

The motorola 68020 and up have a natural way to use 32 bit signed
numbers as addresses, but if you want your program to run on all macs
this feature cant be used.

Hope this helps, Brad Pickering.

ps: the IBM machines express addresses as 16 bit UNsigned numbers 
(0 - 64k).

If this doesn't help then you are welcome to write to me for more info.


From woody@tybalt.caltech.edu Sat Jun  9 00:12:32 1990
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Date: Sat, 9 Jun 90 00:12:59 PDT
From: woody@tybalt.caltech.edu (William Edward Woody)
Message-Id: <9006090712.AA09677@tybalt.caltech.edu>
To: reece@enuxha.eas.asu.edu
Subject: Re: 32K barrier on the Mac...
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac
In-Reply-To: <894@enuxha.eas.asu.edu>
Organization: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
Status: RO

In article <894@enuxha.eas.asu.edu> you write:
>Greetings again from AZ:
>   I was having a discussion the other day with a friend who asked about
>writing applications for the Mac.  I told him that the limitation to
>application size was not memory but the 32K static data barrier that exists
>on the Mac (64K on the PC I think).  Anyway, can someone please give a
>good explanation of the reason for the 32K limit and reason as to why Apple
>has not eliminated this constraint.
>  Please respond to me directly, and if others are interested then I'll
>post the responses back to comp.sys.mac
>  Thankx in advance,
>     - Glen A. Reece
>       Industrial Fellow
>       Artificial Intelligence Lab.
>       Arizona State University

Actually, this one's easy.

The MC68000 CPU that was originally used in the original Macintosh's allow
relative offsets from any address register; the problem was, that the max
offset amount was a 16 bit word.  This allows offsets from an address
register to be up to +/- 32K bytes.

Most code generators try to generate a MOVE.x -NN(A5) to load or save
data to the static global area (register A5 is reserved as a pointer to
global memory space).

The version of MPW I am currently running (that is, MPW C v3.1) allows
static memory greater than 32K; this is done by generating an explicit
MOVEA A5, A0; ADD.L -NN,A0; MOVE (A0) instead of the MOVE.x -NN(A5) on
the MC68000.  This takes a tiny bit longer to get the value of a globa
variable, but does allow more than 32K of static global store.

Of course if you are compiling to an MC68020 or 68030 family CPU hardware,
the proper MOVE.x -NN.L(A5) [or whatever] instructions are generated, to
allow long-word arithmetic against the A5 register.

I think Apple did it this way because they (1) wanted the most flexible
way of handling global memory possible [globals can land anywhere the OS
feels like placing them; this makes Multifinder possible], and (2) they
were enamored with the MC68000's machine language addressing modes... ;-)
--  William Edward Woody

 Apple  File  Edit  Special  Fonts  Sizes
 +--------------------------+				 +-+
 |=[]== E-Mail Address =====|				 |S|
 |--------------------------|				 | |
 | woody@tybalt.caltech.edu |-------------------+	 +-+
 +--------------------------+= Home Address ====|	XP_60
	|=[]== Work Addr| P. O. Box 50986	|---------+
	+---------------| Pasadena, CA 91115	|ICBM ====|
	| JPL 510-202	+-----------------------+---------|
	| 4800 Oak Grove Dr.	|	  |  34 08' 44" N |+-
	| Pasadena, CA 91109	|	  | 118 08' 44" W |||
	+-----------------------+	  +---------------+||
	    Okay, okay, so it's a bit excessive.

=             E   N   D     O  F     F   I   L   E                    =