[comp.sys.mac] Postscript file???

kaplanr@slcpi.shearson.com (Roger Kaplan) (06/29/90)


  I know that to capture a Mac's attempts at sending to a postscript
printer in a file, you press Command-F while you press "OK" on the
Laserwriter Print screen.  Problem is, the window says "saving PS to file"
and the disk whirrs, but when the whole thing's over, I can't find a file
with the postscript anywhere on my disk!  Can anyone help me?

  I would appreciate email...

**Roger Kaplan      kaplanr@shearson.com   ...!uunet!slcpi!kaplanr
Shearson Lehman Hutton  (an AMEX company)   New Yawk, NY