(Jerry Fink - MACC & School of Nursing) (07/28/88)
A few days ago I requested help with a Mac SE that had a 20 mb hard disk but one day the Mac refused to recognize the hard disk. i.e no hard disk icon and could only be booted up with a system disk. The problem: Someone had taken the serial cable which had been hooked from the telephone hookup and puuled the other end out of the wall port line and hooked it up to the external disk connector on the back of the Mac. After the connections were corrected everything worked fine. thanks for all the help
kehr@felix.UUCP (Shirley Kehr) (07/10/90)
"From: (Geoff Walsh) "Subject: Hard disk died (I think) - HELP!!!!!!!!! "Organization: Los Alamos Natl Lab, Los Alamos, N.M. " "I think I have a hard disk problem, but I would like to find out if "anyone else has had a similar problem before I turn my old hard disk "into a door stop (backups??? hard disks NEVER go bad!). [deleted all descriptions of weird behavior] Your symptoms parallel mine. The last two times I noticed it was during high humidity. I have the same disk (80MB Quantum, er Apple). Since mine is one of the early ones, I figure it is freezing up when the lubricant absorbs too much moisture. I just didn't expect to have it happen while it was up and running. As soon as I take it to the dealer, it runs fine (in his air-conditioned shop). It also starts up fine the next day. I've asked for a replacement (sometimes AppleCare is worth it, especially since it was half price). Shirley Kehr