(Jeroen Scheerder) (07/16/90)
I've been experiencing the following problem: I've been trying to exchange binary files Mac <-> PC. Now, all works fine one way: I stuff the files I want to transport to my PC using stuffit, and I use SoftPC to write the resulting archives to an MS-DOS disk on my Mac IIci. Expecting this to work the other way around too, I try to copy stuffed files from my MS-DOS disk to my Mac, then setting TYPE and CREATOR right, but the files have gone bad: Stuffit says the header's corrupted and can't do anything useful with it. It appears to be the case that the file gets 'translated' in some way: this is the reason I do not use Apple File Exchange, since it chooses to translate all kinds of things I don't want it to. Now does anyone know how to read a file without translating it from a PC floppy on a Superdrive? It annoys me Apple just doesn't seem to support binary file transfer on the Superdrive. Does anyone have an 'automount' init (or DA, or program) that installs a PC drive on the finder's desk? I think Finder will not translate files, once it's able to read them, and having a mounting volume is more comfortable than AFE anyway. Thanx in advance for all your replies. "Talking about Math can almost be as satisfying as the real thing, and not half so risky." cf. 'The Bluffer's Guide to Bluffing'