[comp.sys.mac] LaserWriter II Squeak

btbg1194@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Bradley T Banko) (10/11/90)

Thanks to all of those who have replied to my question about squeaky LaserWriter II's.
The consensus seems to be some combination of problems with the fan bearings and the
toner cartridge mechanisms.  In our LW, the problem is infrequent (appearing mainly when 
the usage load is heavy), so I haven't had a chance to really test these ideas:

From: scott@scotty.life.uiuc.edu (Scott Howard)
    The problem went away when I replaced the Toner Cartridge.
 From: Nick Wilde <wilde@boulder.colorado.edu>
There appears to be a bearing in the machine that (at least in our case)
causes the squeaking.  If I remember correctly, if you open the machine
up, you can see the end of a bearing either in the front or the back.. pressure
on that point often causes the squeak to go away.

From: leburg@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Brian Pierson)
	Check the little black rubber cup that fits over the fan bearings.
When you open the cover, it is in the back on the right hand side. All youneed to do is push in on it. We had one that squeaked alot and the solvesthe problem.

From: ang@theory.lcs.mit.edu (William S. Ang)
Time to replace the fan in the power supply assembly. 
 From: fjohnson@nmsu.edu
	I have found that many of my problems, with the four
LaserWriter II's I have here, originate with the toner cartridge.  If
you are using retoned/refurbished cartridges, the drum bearings within
need to be lubricated by the people recharging the units.  If you areusing new cartridges all the time the squeeking is beyond me. 
	There are many complications involving recharged tonercartridges, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
We have been through the mill with recharging, including recharging
our own cartridges.  We use a real reliable company now that uses
after market replacement drums, they are great............

Bradley T. Banko
Dept of Physics, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign