[comp.sys.mac] MacinTalk seems mute...

pardue@gn.ecn.purdue.edu (Jon Pardue) (05/02/91)

Greetings, netters!  Here's number 429 in a series of dumb questions posted
by yours truly:

Is anyone else having problems getting MacinTalk to work under 6.0.7 on an
SE/30?  Is this a version incompatability problem or do I just have a bad
copy of the thing?  It's in my system folder -- I got it off of a disk from
Educorp -- but nothing ever comes out of the speaker at me.  The speaker
works from all other applications, so it's definitely not a hardware problem
(this time ;-) ).

Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks!

- Jon
Jon Pardue                            "The plural of 'spouse' is 'SPICE'."
pardue@gn.ecn.purdue.edu                                  - me
"Old musicians never die, they just go from bar to bar." - Anonymous