tsteffen@cc.curtin.edu.au (C. V. Steffen) (06/02/91)
Hi there! Since everybody is currently requesting foreign dictionaries on the net, I thought I might follow that latest craze ... I would like to obtain the GERMAN as well as the SPANISH dictionary for Wordperfect for the Macintosh. Could anybody be of assistance there? I would really appreciate it! Thanks a lot in advance. Claus. PS: I'll swap you some dictionaries for MS Word!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- S-Mail: E-Mail: Claus-Peter Steffen tsteffen@cc.curtin.edu.au School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Telephone: Curtin University of Technology +61 9 351 2582 G.P.O. Box U1987 Fax: Perth, WA 6001 +61 9 351 2584 AUSTRALIA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Make Love not War - Get married and have both"