[comp.sys.atari.st] ST printer problem and unbuffered strobe / ST BBS Program for sale!

jhs@MITRE-BEDFORD.ARPA (12/13/86)

I was just talking to Paul Swanson, proprietor of Nite Lite Systems of
Billerica, MA, and he happened to mention that a certain printer did not run
properly with the ST because the strobe line of the parallel port in the ST is
not buffered.  He had also come up with a simple added buffer on this line as
the fix.  Let's hope Atari will make this mod to their board next time they
lay out a new one.

Incidentally, Paul has recently ported the Nite Lite BBS system to the ST.
Anyone wishing to put it through its paces can do so by dialing up Paul's
BBS at (617) 663-4221.  This is a full-featured and very robust BBS program
and may well be the best yet available for the ST.  I don't happen to know
what he charges for it but you can find that out and even order a copy by
dialing up his board.

-John Sangster

<I have no financial interest in Nite Lite Systems but will always accept
money if sent to me anonymously.>