BO628524@CCNYVME.BITNET (12/23/86)
/APPEND SECT1706 ******* I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE ON THIS NET WOULD BE APPROPRIATE ******* FOR THIS IMPORTANT MEMO, SO I HOPE SOMEONE HERE WILL ******* ROUTE IT TO WHEREVER IS BEST **** ******* JUST SO LONG AS SOMEONE SEES IT! ******* IT MIGHT BE USED TO CREATE A FORUM CALLED 'SECT1706' *** This is a new forum dedicated to Section 1706 of the 1986 Tax Reform Act, affecting every consultant in high-technology industries. *** *** URGENT, Senator Moynihan (D-NY) Buries Computer Consultants A midnight ammendment to the Tax Reform Act of 1986 will make it almost impossible for high-tech consultants (programmers, analysts, engineers, etc.) to operate as independent contractors. Section 1706 prohibits most "persons providing services such as engineer, designer, drafter, computer programmer, systems analyst or other similarly skilled workers engaged in a similar line of work" from operating independent businesses. They would be forced to become employees of technical services firms. For more information, contact: TECNA (Technology Consultants National Association) 230 Park Avenue - Suite 2525 New York, NY 10169 Hotline: 212-766-0898,99 National: 1-800-235-6646, ext. 843 California: 1-800-235-6647, ext. 843 and Independent Computer Consultants Association New York and New Jersey Chapter 129 Sierra Vista Lane Valley Cottage, NY 10989 212-690-7790 201-862-4734 National: PO Box 27412 St. Louis, MO 63141 314-997-4633 800-GET-ICCA also, the 'CONSULT' forum of CompuServe. and IMMEDIATELY write your senators and congressmen. If you do not know who to contact in your area, ask the ICCA, address and phone number above. --Eric Schutz bitnet: BO628524@CCNYVME CSACC065@CUNYVM