(braner) (01/07/87)
[] The connector at the ST end of the cable from my SC124 (Atari monochrome) monitor has ALL the pins. The cable has wires soldered to only some of them, but you can remove the cable and solder new wires to all the pins. (You have to slide the plastic cover off the connector towards the CABLE. First depress where the slot is, then slide.) About uploading files using ASCII "protocol": You have to put the mainframe in a state where it will take what you send (thinking you're typing it) and save it somewhere. For example, you could enter a text editor. BUT, most editors won't accept a big block of text at 1200 baud with no pause. Experiment. Your mainframe probably has several editors available. Try the simplest, most primitive one! - Or use KERMIT or XMODEM. On the VAX here, running BSD "UNIX", I simply type "cat >filename". (That puts it in a mode where all input goes directly into a file, without any editor!) You tell it the file is done by sending control-D. Actually, I use XMOTER, which sends a control-Z at the end. So I first type: stty susp ^P stty eof ^Z and then it's easy. (Don't forget to press F7 before F4.) - Moshe Braner