[comp.sys.atari.st] New relmod

t68@nikhefh.UUCP (Jos Vermaseren) (01/15/87)

Recently I had to work with the magnificent combination of link68 and relmod.
My programs happened to be completely relocatable and relmod took 25 sec to
come to that conclusion and make a mistake in the empty relocation table.
So I spent a day to make a new relmod. When you translate it the first time
with the old relmod chances are that you will get TOS error #35 as the
relocation table is not right. You may fix that by introducing an absolute
address when you work with the old relmod.
After that you may remove it again as this program is impervious to
relocatable code. Its also much faster. Enjoy.

{ decvax | philabs | seismo } !mcvax!t68@nikhefh.uucp

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CUT HERE PLEASE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*	New version of relmod.
*	Made by J.A.M.Vermaseren, 17-12-1986.
*	Public domain. This program may be copied for free only.
*	Anybody selling public domain disks with whatever tiny profit
*	beyond the direct costs should send me Dfl 2,-- per copy ( $1 ).
*	My address : J.Vermaseren, Leerdamhof 441, 1108CL Amsterdam.
*	Be fair : If you get something for the trouble I want something
*	for mine.
*									     *
*	Variables in the heap :	( a6 is heap pointer )			     *
*									     *
*	0	Number of characters read into input buffer		     *
*	4	Output error information from reloc.			     *
*	8	Last relocation address.				     *
*	12	Little trap routine.					     *
*	24	Input name.						     *	
*									     *
*	Variables in the registers :					     *
*									     *
*	d7	Input file handle					     *
*	d6	Output file handle					     *
*	d5	(reloc) characters in output buffer			     *
*	d4	(reloc)	characters in input buffer			     *
*	d3	Length of the buffers					     *
*	d2	(reloc)	Distance to start of text			     *
*	a5	Output buffer						     *
*	a4	(reloc) Input buffer					     *
*	a3	(reloc) Next position in output buffer			     *
*	a2	(reloc) Next position in input buffer			     *	
*									     *
*	The startup is done in a particular way, to build the heap before
*	the setblock is done. The Atari ROM refuses to execute trap functions
*	and return to the ROM safely. This way a little routine like
*		move.l	(sp)+,offset+8(a6)
*		trap	#1
*		jmp	unimportant
*	can be put at offset(a6) and all trap #1 replaced by jmp offset(a6).
*	In this program offset is 12, so jmp 12(a6) is equivalent to trap #1
*	This has to be done before the first trap call, ie the setblock.
start:	move.l	4(sp),a3		* Base page address.
	move.l	12(a3),d0		* Length of text.
	add.l	20(a3),d0		* Initialized data.
	add.l	28(a3),d0		* Uninitialized data.
	add.l	#$100,d0		* + 100 bytes basepage.
	lea	(a3,d0.l),a6		* Heap pointer.
	add.l	#$200,d0		* Heap + stack space.
	move.l	sp,d3			* Top of available memory.
	lea	(a3,d0.l),sp		* Install new stack pointer
	sub.l	sp,d3			* Available for copying.
	andi.l	#$FFFFF800,d3		* Make multiple of 2048.
	beq	nomemory		* Not enough memory.
	add.l	d3,d0			* Total memory requirement.
	lsr.l	#1,d3			* Space for each buffer.
	move.l	sp,-(sp)		* Input buffer for later.
	lea	(sp,d3.l),a5		* Output buffer.
*	Just for fun. I don't expect you to put it in the ROM cartridge.
	move.l	#$2D5F0014,12(a6)	* move.l (sp)+,20(a6)
	move.l	#$4E414EF9,16(a6)	* trap	 #1
*					* jmp	 .....
	move.l	d0,-(sp)		* Total reservation.
	move.l	a3,-(sp)		* Start address.
	clr.w	-(sp)			* For GEMDOS. It eats its stack!!!!!!
	move.w	#$4A,-(sp)		* Setblock.
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
	lea	12(sp),sp		* Reset the stack.
	tst.l	d0
	bne	nomemory
*	Study the command tail. Problem : What if there ain't any.
*	Normally : Pascal string : One byte with the length of the rest, and
*				   then the rest.
*	Is none	 : 60,1A or something. So if 60, then look at offset 18. If
*		   no tail there is a zero there. With tail there ain't.
	lea	$80(a3),a4		* The beginning of the command tail
	moveq.l	#0,d5
	move.b	(a4)+,d5		* String length. String at a4.
	beq	notail			* Length 0.
	cmpi.w	#$60,d5
	bne	istail			* There is a command tail.
	tst.b	17(a4)
	beq	notail			* No commmand tail --> error message.
istail:	lea	(a4,d5.w),a3		* First address beyond the tail.
	moveq.l	#0,d0
	moveq.l	#$20,d2			* This is a blank.
loop1:	move.b	(a4)+,d0		* Get one character.
	cmp.b	d2,d0
	beq	loop1			* Strip leading blanks.
	cmpi.b	#$2D,d0
	bne	nodash
	move.b	(a4)+,d0		* Skip a dash.
nodash:	cmp.l	a4,a3			* Do we have a nontrivial character ?
	blt	notail
	lea	24(a6),a0		* For storage.
	move.l	a0,a1			* For later to find the extention.
	move.l	a0,a2			* Keep track of the '.'
loop2:	cmp.b	#$2E,d0
	bne	loop2a
	move.l	a0,a2			* Address of the last period
loop2a:	move.b	d0,(a0)+
	move.b	(a4)+,d0
	cmp.b	d2,d0			* Go till blank or end of tail
	beq	endpar
	cmp.l	a4,a3
	bge	loop2			* A good character --> copy.
	cmp.l	a2,a1			* Was there a period ?
	bne	fullnm			* Got a full name.
	move.l	a0,a2
	move.b	#$2E,(a0)+		* '.'
	move.b	#$36,(a0)+		* '6'
	move.b	#$38,(a0)+		* '8'
	move.b	#$4B,(a0)+		* 'K'
fullnm:	clr.b	(a0)
	clr.w	-(sp)			* Reading this file only.
	move.l	a1,-(sp)		* Address of the file name.
	move.w	#$3D,-(sp)		* Fopen.
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
	addq.l	#8,sp
	tst.l	d0			* Did the file get opened?
	bmi	filerr
	move.l	d0,d7			* Store the handle.
	moveq.l	#0,d0
loop3:	move.b	(a4)+,d0
	cmp.b	d2,d0
	beq	loop3
	cmp.l	a4,a3
	bmi	only1			* Only one parameter --> transform.
	lea	-1(a4),a1		* Start of second name.
loop4:	move.b	(a4)+,d0
	cmp.b	d2,d0
	beq	param2
	cmp.l	a4,a3
	bge	loop4
	bra	param2
only1:	lea	1(a2),a4
	move.b	#$50,(a4)+
	move.b	#$52,(a4)+
	move.b	#$47,(a4)+
	addq.l	#1,a4
param2:	subq.l	#1,a4
	move.b	(a4),d4			* Save old character
	clr.b	(a4)			* End on 0 for GEMDOS.
	clr.w	-(sp)			* Read and write.
	move.l	a1,-(sp)
	move.w	#$3C,-(sp)		* Fcreate
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
	addq.l	#8,sp
	move.b	d4,(a4)			* Restore old character.
	tst.l	d0
	bmi	filer2
	move.l	d0,d6			* Save the output handle.
*	Now we have two opened files and the buffers are ready.
      	move.l	(sp)+,a4		* Input buffer.
	bsr	reloc			* Make the relocation table.
	move.w	d6,-(sp)		* Output file.
	bsr	fclose
	move.w	d7,(sp)			* Input file.
	bsr	fclose
	addq.l	#2,sp
	move.w	4(a6),-(sp)		* Error code from reloc ( or none ).
	move.w	#$4C,-(sp)		* Pterm: exit with possible error code.
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
*	Error messages when a file cannot be opened.
filer2:	move.w	d7,-(sp)
	bsr	fclose			* First close the input file.
	addq.l	#2,sp
filerr:	pea	nofil(pc)		* First part of error message.
	bsr	out_str
	addq.l	#4,sp
	move.l	a1,-(sp)		* Pointer to the name of the file.
conti:	bsr	out_str
	addq.l	#4,sp
	pea	newlin(pc)		* CR+linefeed.
	bsr	out_str
	addq.l	#4,sp
	bra	errext
	pea	nomem(pc)		* Shortage of memory.
	bra	conti
notail:	pea	use(pc)			* Show correct usage.
	bsr	out_str
	addq.l	#4,sp
	move.w	#-1,-(sp)
	move.w	#$4C,-(sp)
	jsr	12(a6)			* Pterm with errorflag.
use:	dc.b	'Usage: FASTREL [-]file[.68K] [output file]'
newlin:	dc.b	$0D,$0A,0,0
nofil:	dc.b	'Cannot open file ',0
nomem:	dc.b	'Not enough memory available.',0,0
errrel:	dc.b	'File error.',0
*	Close a file
fclose:	move.w	4(sp),-(sp)
	move.w	#$3E,-(sp)		* Fclose
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
	addq.l	#4,sp
*	Routine to write a zero terminated string to the screen.
	move.l	4(sp),-(sp)
	move.w	#9,-(sp)
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
	addq.l	#6,sp
*	The routine to make a relocation table.
reloc:	bsr	readin			* Read the first buffer.
	bmi	error
	moveq.l	#28,d4			* Header length.
	add.l	2(a4),d4		* Text length.
	add.l	6(a4),d4		* Data segment.
	add.l	14(a4),d4		* Symbol table.
	bsr	copyd4			* Copy this piece to the output buffer.
	bmi	error
	clr.l	8(a6)			* Start of relocation
	moveq.l	#-4,d2			* Running counter.
rloop:	addq.l	#2,d2
rloopp:	addq.l	#2,d2
	bsr	getone			* Get a single relocation number in d1.
	bne	relend
	andi.w	#7,d1
	cmpi.w	#5,d1
	bne	rloopp			* Not relevant on the ST.
	bsr	getone			* Upper half of a long word. Get next.
	bne	relend			* Originally:
	subq.w	#1,d1			* 1 relative to data segment
	andi.w	#7,d1			* 2 relative to text segment
	cmp.w	#3,d1			* 3 relative to bss
	bge	rloop			* On the ST its all relative to text.
relo1:	tst.l	8(a6)			* First relocation?
	bne	relo2			* No
	move.l	d2,8(a6)
	move.l	d2,d1
	rol.l	#8,d1			* Put now the 4 bytes of d1.
	bsr	putone
	bne	error
	rol.l	#8,d1
	bsr	putone
	bne	error
	rol.l	#8,d1
	bsr	putone
	bne	error
	rol.l	#8,d1
	bsr	putone
	beq	rloop
	bra	error
relo2:	move.l	d2,d1
	sub.l	8(a6),d1		* Difference with the previous one.
	move.l	d2,8(a6)		* The new 'previous one'
	bra	relo4
relo3:	move.l	d1,d2			* If > 254 --> write a 1
	sub.l	#254,d2			* and subtract 254.
	moveq.l	#1,d1
	bsr	putone
	bne	error
	move.l	d2,d1
	move.l	8(a6),d2		* We needed register d2 for scratch.
relo4:	cmp.l	#254,d1
	bgt	relo3
	bsr	putone			* Put the relocation increment.
	beq	rloop	
error:	move.w	#-1,4(a6)		* Error code.
relend:	cmp.w	#-1,d0			* End of relocation.
	bne	error			* Here due to e read error.
	bsr	wrttail			* Empty the buffer.
	move.w	#0,4(a6)		* Exit with OK code.
*	Routine fills the input buffer. Returns the normal d0.
readin:	move.l	a4,-(sp)		* Input buffer.
	move.l	d3,-(sp)		* Length of the buffer.
	move.w	d7,-(sp)		* Handle.
	move.w	#$3F,-(sp)		* Fread.
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
	lea	12(sp),sp		* Restore the stack.
	move.l	d0,(a6)			* Number of bytes read.
*	Get one character from the input buffer. If it is empty, fill it
*	or return an EOF message. Entry is 'getone'
getbuf:	cmp.l	(a6),d3		* Was it a full buffer?
	bne	eof
	move.l	a4,-(sp)
	move.l	d3,-(sp)
	move.w	d7,-(sp)
	move.w	#$3F,-(sp)
	jsr	12(a6)		* This is trap #1
	lea	12(sp),sp
	tst.l	d0
	bmi	inerr
	move.l	d0,(a6)
	moveq.l	#0,d4
	move.l	a4,a2
*				* Now the main entry.
getone:	cmp.l	(a6),d4		* Buffer used completely?
	bge	getbuf		* Still characters in the buffer.
	move.w	(a2)+,d1
	addq.l	#2,d4
	moveq.l	#0,d0
eof:	moveq.l	#-1,d0
inerr:	rts
*	Routine copies the normal program segment to the output buffer.
*	If this segment is longer than one buffer it is written to file and
*	a new buffer is read till the leftover fits.
copyd4:	cmp.l	d4,d3			* Does it fit ?
	bgt	itfits
	move.l	a4,-(sp)		* The buffer.
	move.l	d3,-(sp)		* Its length.
	move.w	d6,-(sp)		* Output handle.
	move.w	#$40,-(sp)		* Fwrite.
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
	lea	12(sp),sp		* Restore the stack.
	tst.l	d0
	bmi	cdone
	sub.l	d3,d4			* This much left.
	bsr	readin			* Read a new buffer
	bmi	cdone
	bra	copyd4
itfits:	move.l	d4,d1			* Number of bytes.
	addq.l	#3,d1			* For rounding up.
	lsr.l	#2,d1			* Converted to words of 4 bytes.
	move.l	a4,a2
	move.l	a5,a3
	bra	copyl2
copyl1:	move.l	(a2)+,(a3)+		* Even addresses --> use long words.
copyl2:	dbra	d1,copyl1
	lea	(a5,d4.l),a3		* Put the addresses right.
	lea	(a4,d4.l),a2
	move.l	d4,d5			* Characters in output buffer.
	moveq.l	#0,d0			* No errors.
cdone:	rts
*	Write the rest of the output buffer, followed by one zero if there
*	was a relocation and by 4 of them if there wasn't.
	moveq.l	#0,d1
	tst.l	8(a6)			* Zero if no relocations.
	bne	wrtone			* Write only one byte.
	bsr	putone			* Write four zero bytes.
	bne	wrtok
	bsr	putone
	bne	wrtok
	bsr	putone
	bne	wrtok
wrtone:	bsr	putone
	bne	wrtok
	tst.l	d5
	beq	wrtok
	move.l	a5,-(sp)		* Output buffer.
	move.l	d5,-(sp)		* Number of bytes to be written.
	move.w	d6,-(sp)		* Output handle.
	move.w	#$40,-(sp)		* Fwrite
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
	lea	12(sp),sp
wrtok:	rts
*	Routine adds one character to the output buffer. If it is full the
*	buffer is emptied by writing to file. The character is expected in d1.
putone:	move.b	d1,(a3)+		* Put the character in the buffer.
	addq.l	#1,d5			* One more.
	cmp.l	d5,d3			* Buffer full?
	bgt	putok			* No
	move.l	a5,-(sp)		* Output buffer.
	move.l	d5,-(sp)		* Number of characters.
	move.w	d6,-(sp)		* Output handle.
	move.w	#$40,-(sp)		* Fwrite.
	jsr	12(a6)			* This is trap #1
	lea	12(sp),sp		* Restore the stack.
	move.l	a5,a3			* Start of buffer again.
	cmp.l	d5,d0			* Wrote enough bytes?
	bne	putex			* Return with status at ne.
	moveq.l	#0,d5			* Zero bytes in buffer.
putok:	moveq.l	#0,d0			* Condition is eq.
putex:	rts

public:	dc.b	'Program by Jos Vermaseren 17-12-86'