[comp.sys.atari.st] canon inkjet printer

rpa@rayssd.UUCP (01/16/87)

I recently got a canon color ink jet from BCE for $199 and am very impressed.
The question I want to ask is does anybody know of an upgrade/rom change
that allows either:
	a) revese micro linefeeds (I only need to be able to do -2 feeds)
	b) ability to switch off micro-linefeeds when doing color dumps.

The reason I ask is because I have written some software that allows the basic
7 + black color ability to be extended to 15 by printing a dump twice with a
change in my mapping of pixels to colors and rewinding the paper to overprint
the first image. I can do this cos I use a home brew 640 x 400 x 4bits graphics
computer based on a 68000 using the NEC 7220
and can use the 4th bit a bit like an intensifier bit when I do the dump.
If I could do either a or b I could do it all a whole lot better and even
extend the color range to 22 (but by then the paper may be getting a bit

Thanx in advance for any help.
Robin P Alston MSc. aka The REAL Atilla.
Snr Engr, Raytheon
Metropolitan Corp. Centre,
400 Nickeson Road,
MA 01752

Tel: (617) 460-8225