franco@iuvax.UUCP (02/02/87)
* ETERNAL2 - A reset survivable ramdisk for the Atari ST * which can be resized and removed * * authors - There seem to have been many contributors to * the development of this and other reset-survivable * ramdisks. It is belived that John Harris originated * the idea and others added some embellishments. This * particular ramdisk is different from most in that it * can be resized or removed. * * use - The ramdisk can be sized the following three ways: * * a) By a ramdisk spec found in \auto\ramdisk.dat * b) By entering a ramdisk spec through the console * c) By not doing a) or b) to get the default spec * * The ramdisk spec has the form yxxx where y is a drive * letter [a-p] and x is a digit [0-9]. A successfully * created ramdisk will have a number of clusters equal * to the number xxx and be installed on drive y * (note that number of clusters is number of kbytes). * The default ramdisk spec is h100 (100k ramdisk on * drive h). To install a ramdisk you must put eternal2.prg * into an AUTO folder. You may also create and put a * ramdisk.dat file (containing a ramdisk spec) into the AUTO * folder but it is not necessary to do so. To install for * the first time, put the disk with the AUTO folder into * drive A and press reset (or switch on the computer). * A ramdisk will be set up according to the spec in the * .dat file, if it exists, or according to the default spec * unless you press either the "caps lock" or the "alternate" * key during boot. If you press "caps lock" no ramdisk will * be set up (you must keep the key depressed until bootup * is finished or you see that etrnl2.prg has finished * executing). If you press "alternate" you will be prompted * for a ramdisk spec. Enter the spec and hit return to * create the ramdisk. To remove a ramdisk, press reset and * keep a finger on the "caps lock" key. To resize a ramdisk * press reset and keep a finger on the "alternate" key * until you see the prompt. Then type in the spec and hit * carriage return. If a ramdisk is installed, the auto * folder exists on a disk in drive A, reset is pressed and * you keep your fingers off the keys, the ramdisk will still * be present with all its original files after * re-initialization. To prevent a ramdisk from being * created at startup use Q for the ramdisk spec in the * ramdisk.dat file. The ramdisk.dat file must have four * characters otherwise. To get a ramdisk of size less than * 100k on startup use leading zeros in the size field of * the ramdisk.dat spec. * * notes - A ramdisk spec with two or one digit(s) is also legal. * If you use a ramdisk spec like m0 you will get a size zero * ramdisk but you will have lost 9k of space to the overhead * used in setting it up. Therefore, the proper way to * remove a ramdisk is by means of the "caps lock" key. * If you give no ramdisk spec then the default h100 is set * up. If you give only a device letter, say m, then a RD * with spec m100 is set up. There is no button to push to * abort - simply letting the boot process run its course is, * for all practical purposes, an abort. * * John Franco * Bloomington, IN * 1/30/87 ------------------------cut here-------------------------------------- begin 644 etrnl2.prg M8!H```-D````,````@8``````````````````"I/+GP```68*FT`!"`M``S0 MK0`4T*T`'-"\```!`"\`+PT_/```/SP`2DY!W_P````,0J<_/``@3D%<CR/` M```#6"A\```$-BI\```$+A/\``@```.-(E4V$3\\__\_/``+3DU8CPQ```!G M``!^(E73_````!`R$0Q!S,QG``&R,KS,S`Q#`@!F,"95U_P```#&.!,Z.0`` M!,0)A3/%```$Q-?\````!B/3```$+M?\````!"/3```$-NB(90X,@P```@!G M``%B8``!M"\\```#=C\\``E.05R/+SP```.+/SP`"DY!7(]@7@Q#`@!G``%` M/SP``"\\```#9#\\`#U.05"/#$```&L``*H^`"\\```#C2\\````!#\'/SP` M/TY!W_P````,*``_!S\\`#Y.05B/##D`40```XUG``%`#(0````$9FQ"@!`Y M```#C5.``H`````?,\````-6,\````*D,\````*R,\````+$0H!"@4*&('P` M``..##D``0```XQO+@PY``0```.,;P@3_``$```#C!PY```#C%6&$A@"@0`` M``_`_``*T(%1SO_P8`)P9#/````"GG0*Y:C0O```)@`B`-*Y```$,M*\``(` M`+*4;```IB/Y```$-@```V`C^0``!"X```-<D;D```0VD;D```0N(_D```1R M```#1B/Y```$=@```U(C^0``!'X```-,('P```*0(E5^?R+84<___"!Y```` M!$[0(A72O````"`CP0``!'(B%=*\````,B/!```$=B(5TKP````2(\$```1^ M(%71_````,8R$#`Y```$Q`/`,\````3$(%71_````!`PO```+SD```-8/SP` M($Y!7(]"9TY!`@```@0```<`!0`&`!(`9```#&\`!P`$9@``H'``3G4,;P`' M``1F``",(#D```0N3G4,;P`'``YF``"&('D```0NT?P```(`(F\`!G(`,B\` M#'`)X:'1P3`O``HD"0@"``!F*`@O````!68"P4DR/``/(-D@V2#9(-D@V2#9 M(-D@V5')_^Y3@&;D3G4(+P````5F`L%),CP`/Q#9$-D0V1#9$-D0V1#9$-E1 MR?_N4X!FY$YU3OD`````3OD`````3OD```````<```````````````!<875T M;UQR86UD:7-K+F1A=`!%;G1E<B!R86UD:7-K('-P96,Z(``%!``````````` M```$.A1\#AP8*!0.!@8&#`@*"@8>*`H6"@H&9@!4:&4@9&5F875L="!R86UD B:7-K('-P96,@:7,@:#$P,"`H,3`P:R!R86UD:7-K(&]N#65F ` end -------------------------cut here---------------------------------