[comp.sys.atari.st] 1. IBM character set 2. PD Disassembler 3. Apology


 1. I am working with an IBM/AT and frequently have to edit files written on
    the AT on my ST at home. While this works fine, I always have to look up
    certain IBM characters in a (home-made) table since the ST has a
    different character set.
    Does anyone have an IBM compatible (ugh) character set in monochrome res
    for the ST ? Maybe even a program to install this character set ? All help
    is welcome.
 2. Recently I saw some postings about a file named DISASMB.ARC or something
    like that. Is this what I think it is, namely, a PD disassembler ???
    If so, has anyone gotten it to work ? If so, could he/she please send me
    a copy ? Thank you.
 3. In an earlier posting I confused Jim Omura with John Ogawa. Sorry. I hope
    neither of them feels offended.
                                                      Volker A. Brandt
                                                      (Bonn, West Germany)