[comp.sys.atari.st] bug in KRABAT?

stevev@tekchips.UUCP (02/13/87)

I was playing KRABAT in chess yesterday, and notice some behavior that
I had not seen mentioned before.  I, as black, placed my rook on d1 between
white's king and queen rook (neither of which had yet moved), and it
castled queen-side, capturing my rook with its queen rook in the process!

In other words, the first rank was (white in caps, '.' - empty space):
     R . . r K . . .
before white's move, and
     . . K R . . . .

I had known that KRABAT did not know about en passant captures; this
behavior took me by surprise, however.

In spite of these minor problems, and everything being in German (which
I understand is changed to English in some version), I think that KRABAT
(v. 1.0, I beleive is what I have), is wonderful.

Question: is it possible to tell KRABAT to change a PAWN into something
besides a queen when it gets to the 8th rank?

		Steve Vegdahl
		Computer Research Lab
		Tektronix Labs
		Beaverton, Oregon