[comp.sys.atari.st] SOME REMARKS.


To those who wrote about my 'almost foolproof' version of uudecode:
Some of you did not provide network address that my poor restricted
BITNET mailer can handle. If after a request you had no answer from
me: I tried, and could'nt reach you. I can send mail/files to
BITNET, CSNET and ARPANET very easily, for the UUCP network, I need
a valid path starting at a wellknown backbone site (seismo, ihnp4,
mcvax...), my gateway is psuvax1 for the US.
To those on the UUCP who complain about traffic and threat to be moderated,
INFO-ATAR16 (on the ARPANET) IS moderated, that is the one I write to,
and is the one I receive. And I must say I am very happy about the moderation,
Bill W. is doing a great job at score, info-atari16 was a mess before.
(Bill, if you do not publish programs you receive, why dont you advertise
their presence on score, so that someone can FTP or request them ?)
To those who spend time setting up file server on bitnet or arpanet:
do you have a protocol to receive submited stuff ? A review process ?
mod.sources is THE model I prefer...
        | Jean-Pierre H. Dumas                             |
        |                                                  |
        | network@frsac11 (bitnet)                         |
        | network%frsac11.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.edu (arpanet) |
        | ..!ihnp4!frsac11.bitnet!network (usenet ?)       |
        | dumas@sumex-aim.stanford.edu (arpanet)           |