About the question of whether to use a Hard disk or ram disk for development, I have the following observations. Compilers produce a lot of intermediate files (read temporary) and file systems of the MS-DOS family (GEM included) fragment misserably as files are continually written and erased. As the fragmentation increases, access time increases. I know a guy whose hard disk got so fragmented by his editor's "swap file" that its performance eventually degraded to that of a floppy. But there is a way to avoid this problem with a hard drive (at least with Supra Drives), create a scratch partition of 1 meg or less that will hold the files you intend to upgrade frequently (i.e. source for current projects), and use a ram disk for temporary and intermediate files. I use the Alcyon compiler (v. 4.14) which I find to be more than adequate for large projects. With the Supra and a ram disk I have been able to compile 16K sources in less than one minute using a cc.prg I wrote. In human terms one minute is short (for those born in the 1950's at least). It's a small price to pay for the thoroughness of multiple passes, but that's just one person's opinion. Even without a cc.prg, the following script will work in my cli to compile a module: alias error=exit ; force exit on errors cd ~temp\ ~bin\cp68 -i ~include\ ~source\$0.c $0.i ~bin\c068 $0.i $0.1 $0.2 $0.3 del $0.i ~bin\c168 $0.1 $0.2 $0.s del $0.1 $0.2 ~bin\as -l -u -s ~bin\ -f ~temp\ $0.s del $0.s alias error=noexit ; back to normal The command line is "cc foo." On my system source is e: and temp is m:. The ~ is a macro expand notation my cli uses. The $0 is replaced by the cli in the above script and becomes foo. About patches to the dev pack compiler/assembler/linker/relmod to return the proper codes on exit. I poked around in the code and found the following (v. 4.14 only). You should be reasonably familiar with sid and realize that some offsets are ballpark figures. So you will need to use the 'l' option to show you the instructions before you change them. Around 0xda from the beginning of each of the files (that offset is accurate if you load sid without a file and use the 'r' command), is a command sequence something like (it's been a while since I did the patch) move.w #0, d0 * return code trap #2 * old cp/m trap vect and new gsx unlnk a6 * Alcyon built-in patch space *8^} rts * useless return the hex code is 30 3c 00 00 4e 42 4e 5e 4e 75 I changed this to move.w #$4c, -(a7) trap #1 rts hex code 4a 9f 3f 3c 00 4c 4e 41 4e 75 The offsets are the same for cp68,c068,c168, and as68. The offsets for link68 and relmod are a little off from the 0xda mark, but easy to find using the l option in sid. Hope this helps, robert royar charter member of the "Society for the Creative Use of Yet Another Anachronistic C Compiler" [SCUYACC] "backwater, we're sailing at the edges of time backwater, we're drifting at the water line . . . we're all talking to keep the conversation alive . . when you examine the logistics and heuristics of the mystics you will find that their minds rarely move in a line so it's much more realistic to abandon such balistics and resign to be trapped on a leaf in the vine" "Backwater" -Brian Eno ca. 1977 From _Before and after science_ [I just couldn't stand seeing this unattributed quotation go by one more time without giving some credit to the author and his amazing gnostic visions.]