ger@qtecmuc.UUCP (03/16/87)
Hi there, I need some information about the Atari ST, since I don't have one, but have to do a port of a C-Program, written on an IBM-PC with Microsoft-C 4.0, to the ST. The program consists of 12 (may be more) C-moduls, which are seperatly compiled and then linked together on the PC. -Which C-compiler would you recommend, concerning compatibility with the MS-compiler. -Are there any libraries for the RS-232 port, since there seem to be some problems with the hardware handshake. (I have to use 9600 bps) -How can I control text-colors and attributes (Highlighted or inverted) on the ST (ESC-sequences preferred). Thank you in advance Gerhard Pehland Quantec Tonstudiotechnik, Munich W-Germany mcvax!unido!qtecmuc!ger