I love Uniterm17a but... I have been experiencing a problem with Uniterm17a. With noisy phone lines I get errors that abort x-modem transfers. Usually you should get a packet retry, but I'm getting sender errors and false EOT messages that destroy the integrity of the d/l load. Any ideas? Should I just use Kermit or Y-modem under Uniterm17a? I'm using a Hayes compatible modem that has performed well for a year and still looks good. I don't think there are any switches that need to be changed in the modem for Uniterm so I have to believe that the copy of Uniterm is somehow glitched or I am doing something else wrong. Anyone else had this problem with Uniterm17a?? Mikie?
bruce@ektools.UUCP (Bruce D. Nelson ) (03/23/87)
I _finally_ got a copy of Uniterm 1.7a and have experienced 2 problems so far... 1) Oftentimes, as soon as the remote modem answers, Uniterm exits back to the desktop. 2) Ymodem times out after the host has sent the filename block. Anyone else seen these problems? Bruce D. Nelson, Sr. Appl. Analyst: Software Maintenance, Production Systems EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY, 901 Elmgrove Rd., Rochester, NY 14650, 716 726-7890 UUCP: {allegra, seismo}!rochester!kodak!ektools!bruce ARPA: kodak!ektools!bruce@rochester.ARPA