[comp.sys.atari.st] Help wanted with Cconin

gary@hwcs.UUCP (03/25/87)


Can anyone explain why, when using Cconis() to poll the keyboard, and Crawcin()
to read available characters, I always lose either :

       a) the first 8/9 characters, or
       b) the 1st, 3rd, 5th, ... 9th characters.

I wrote a short test program to investigate this, and it WORKED.
However, in my *large* program, it fails every time. The code for reading 
charactes is the same in both cases, although, in the large program, 
windows are opened etc before input is polled for.

If anyone has had this problem too (and solved it), I would be grateful
for any hints...

Thanks in advance.

PS : I am using a 1040st with Megamax C.

%                                                                        %
% Gary McGill,                         JANET :   gary@uk.ac.hw.cs        %
% Dept of Computer Science,            ARPA  :   gary@cs.hw.ac.uk        %
% Heriot-Watt University,              UUCP  : ...ukc!cs.hw.ac.uk!gary   %
% Edinburgh,                                                             %
% Scotland.                  'Grapefruit is in the eye of the beholder'  %
%                                                                        %