K538915@CZHRZU1A.BITNET.UUCP (04/03/87)
Some more info on the 68'881 board (by Lischka Datentechnik): Thanks to Clemens Schrimpe <csch@tub.BITNET> for ringing Lischka Daten- technik. 1. Lischka Datentechnik will sell the board to the US, but naturally would rather have an US distributer. 2. They will sell it without the 68'881! 3. Price (without 68'881) ~$100 + postage + packing etc. 4. Address: Lischka Datentechnik Hochstrasse 22 D-4173 KERKEN 2 (West-Germany) Tel.: +49 - 2833 - 7388 5. Orders can be placed per TELEX (in USA ,,TWX``) via Clemens (186672 rdt d) he will forward them to Lischka Datentechnik (don't start flooding Clemens with orders!). Simon