[comp.sys.atari.st] STart desktop icons

jmg@cernvax.UUCP (jmg) (05/08/87)

Thanks to the Icon poster: I will try them on my English ST. However,
they resolutely refuse to work on my German ST, because they fail to
find the icons in low memory. In his article Alex says that he looks
downwards from 0x50000 for "desktop.rsc". I thought that ought to work
(assuming the German TOS uses the same name), but when it did not I
started looking myself. Lo and behold, I cannot even find this string
in the English TOS, although the Icon loader works fine! I have disassembled
the program, and will look at it when I have time: meanwhile if anyone
has already fixed this problem please let me know.

Incidentally, if anyone has any experience of finding and replacing
bad memory chips when memtest.prg gives a solid error they could also
help me by passing on the information.