[comp.sys.atari.st] Last yok on a silly thread


Date:     Fri, 8 May 87 22:53 ADT
Subject:  Last yok on a silly thread
To:       info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
X-Original-To:  "info-atari16@score.stanford.edu", FXDDR

Deepest apologies for adding to the silliness of amigoids trashing the ST, but
I would like to add a few brief observations.
1) I have the dubious pleasure of reading a lot of different newsgroups.  On
   most any of them there is a substantial amount of traffic discussing bugs
   and quirks in the os or hardware.  Conclusion: there are no perfect micros.
2) Claims that the ST is only suited for games are pretty silly considering
   that much of my thesis work in space physics has been done with the ST
   mostly using off-the-shelf commercial and pd software (Uniterm, Degas
   Elite, Publishing Partner, etc).  I also have games to keep me sane.
3) Our famous buggy os really hasn't hampered the work...most of the bugs
   seem to be fairly rare in practice.  (The 40-folder bug sounds the worst,
   but I've managed to get along with floppies and minimal folders per floppy.)
   In c15 months of use, I hit the underscore bug once, while fiddling with
   RCS.  The only time I've lost substantial data was when we had a power
   failure and I hadn't saved my work recently.
I guess it just depends on how serious one is about getting the job done.
Probably can't do it all with pd software, or by programming everything
yourself (unless you have incredible amounts of free time).  Spend a
little money, use a little imagination...amazing things happen.  Sit
around grinding axes, compare this machine to that machine, try to out-
brag your friends...cheapshots from netnits result.