[comp.sys.atari.st] Free Shell from pm@Case for AtariSTs

pm@cwruecmp.UUCP (05/13/87)

Gulam is a shell for AtariST; it is around 85k, and comes with a 60k+
manual.  It contains some 60+ built-in commands, provides file name
completion, has history, alias and rehash facilities, and integrates
the shell with microEmacs easing the editing of commands being issued.
Among the built-in commands are:

  egrep -- a regular expression based string pattern finder,
  te    -- a simple terminal emulator,
  rx/sx -- Xmodem file transfers, and
  pr    -- a text file printer with pagination.

Here is the full list: 

alias    dirc     exit     history  msoff    pwd      source   unalias 
cd       dirs     fg       if       mv       rehash   sx       unset 
chmod    echo     fgrep    lpr      peekw    ren      te       unsetenv 
copy     egrep    foreach  ls       pokew    rm       teexit   which 
cp       ef       format   mem      popd     rmdir    time     while 
date     endfor   gem      mkdir    print    rx       touch    
df       endif    grep     more     printenv set      ue       
dm       endwhile help     mson     pushd    setenv   uekb     

        In common usage, it resembles csh of Unix 4.xBSD; Gulam's
control structures, lexical conventions and other details are,
however, quite different from csh. 

        Gulam is a free program; you are encouraged to give it to
others, but at no cost.  However, the source is copyrighted and will
be part of a book on systems programming I am writing.  The source is
available on request, with the usual provisos regarding material in
manuscript form. 

        Turner (moderator for comp.binaries.atari.st) will post
the executables for Gulam to the net soon. 

prabhaker mateti,   case western reserve university, cleveland, oh 44106
decvax!cwruecmp!pm  pm@Case (pm%Case@csnet-relay)    (216) 368-2816