[comp.sys.atari.st] multiple boot cycle after upgraded mem

dobbs@marlin.UUCP (Lynn B. Dobbs) (05/14/87)

Thank all the folks who sent answers to my multiple boot cycles after
upgrading the mem in my 520.

Several suggested solutions:

1.  Reseat all the socketed chips

2.  Check the connectors

3.  Repair the low 5V line. (Voltage at P/S input connector was good
                             at ram chips it was down to 4.5V)

4.  Replace ram chips.

It turned out to be item 4.  I had a flakey (sp?) ram chip.  Possibly 
from the heat of soldering.  A Gent (not on the net) who did upgrades
commercially in the early months ran into this problem several times.

He is an Atari/Amiga dealer.  He said Atari told him the rom upgrades
for retrofitting 520/1040 machines were not finished yet, but were still
a priority item.  The retro fit would include a blitter.  He also said
Atari would not quote a price.  It seems the retrofit version of the 
roms would be slightly different than the roms for the new MEGAst.
Atari told him they would fix the 40 folder limit in the retrofit.

I for one will spend any reasonable amount to fix it.  (I don't want to 
make an offer and find Atari changing their price :-))
 dobbs@marlin.nosc.mil         "An adventure is the result of bad
--Lynn                         planning." Admiral Richard E. Byrd