[comp.sys.atari.st] command line interpreter / resident editor


Date: 14 May 1987, 10:33:19 MET
From: Rob van Hoboken           +31 15 78-3813       RCOPROB  at HDETUD1

Are the authors of PCOMMAND on the network?  They should be:
Solid Applications Inc, 1333 Moon Drive, Yardley PA 19067.

Alternatively, what command interpreters are currently available for the ST?
I need: .BAT files, IO redirection, command line recall and editing,
preferably GEM interface and available as a desk accessory.

Has anyone got a smallish, core resident editor that is not entirely stupid?
i.e. (subset of) Emacs, ST-EDT or the like, or MODULA-editor, but not
so stupid as only to accept CTRL-S and CTRL-Q   :-(
It should be possible to activate from the desktop as an DA, but also
from a non-GEM program (DB man !) thru some key-sequence.