[comp.sys.atari.st] annoying

tre@sdchem.UUCP (tre) (05/14/87)

My Atari 1040 gives an annoying high pitched whine.  I assume it is the
switching power supply.  Has anyone else encountered this?  Has anyone come
up with a fix for this?

Losing my hearing,

Tom Erbe (ucbvax!sdcarl!tre)

ps- I am posting from a friend's account, so please don't reply without
    changing the address tyyysava an

wingard@ncrcae.UUCP (05/14/87)

In article <748@sdchema.sdchem.UUCP> tre@sdchem.UUCP (tre) writes:
>My Atari 1040 gives an annoying high pitched whine.  I assume it is the
>switching power supply.  Has anyone else encountered this?  Has anyone come
>up with a fix for this?
>Losing my hearing,
>Tom Erbe (ucbvax!sdcarl!tre)
>ps- I am posting from a friend's account, so please don't reply without
>    changing the address to my own.

Figured I would just follow up than worry about the reply path...

Yes, this problem has been encountered on other machines (though not
mine..)  Your Atari dealer should have a service bulletin that outlines
the repair procedure (I think a resistor and a capacitor are replaced).

Good luck.

Steve Wingard                        ...!ucbvax!sdcsvax!ncr-sd!ncrcae!wingard
NCR Corporation, E&M-Columbia        ...!decvax!mcnc!ncsu!ncrcae!wingard