[comp.sys.atari.st] Still crashing...


Thank you for your patience... I have managed to salvage the hard
drive.  For those of you who witnessed the earlier postings about
how to boot off your A drive after you've autobooted off of C, it
*IS* possible.  I've just done it a number of times.  (More times
than I care to recount.)

Regardless, one of the 3 desk accessories (and extraneous files)
on STart's Summer 87 disk is still causing 2 bombs and making the
system try to reboot (and re-reboot and ...).  Were it not for the
late hour, I would patiently try to determine which of the three
is causing the problem tonight (this morning).  However, as I have
been up now for about 22 hours straight, I think I will wait until
tomorrow evening for such unbounded joy.  I am not eliminating the
possibility of user error, but I would recommend caution if you should
decide you can't wait.  I will try to find out tomorrow evening if
the problem is mine (no comment) or one of the programs' (and which

Once again, thank you for your patience.

  "Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing."
                                         -Werner von Braun